How to make a feed feed for chickens to be inexpensive and right

How to make a feed feed for chickens to be inexpensive and right 8926_1

Of course, it's easier to order a finished feed and store it in stock. Moreover, many brands are quite affordable. But, if you spend time and make the feed to the feed, you will definitely be sure of its quality, the absence of hormones and extraneous impurities. Homemade feed will always be fresh and in the end will cost cheaper than purchased. It has no preservatives that manufacturers add to enhance the storage period.

The basis of such feed is always cereal. Most often add wheat, corn, oats. These cereals improve immunity, digestion and generally affect the health and productivity of feathery.

Recipes of homemade feeds are very much. I will share my beloved.

Grind wheat (40%), barley (20%), Oats (15%), peas (10%), corn (10%), sunflower seeds (5%). In the crushed mixture, add 3% of the stern chalk, 1% of the salt and yeast at the rate of 20 g per chicken. To increase the amount of protein, pour meat-bone flour - 2%.

Be sure to add vitamins. Any vitamin and mineral mix is ​​suitable. I always buy different. The dosage depends on the company, so see the instructions.

Instead of seeds, you can use sunflower meal. It has more protein and less fats.

In winter, increase the amount of corn up to 20-30% if the chicken coop does not hear. But do not overdo it, otherwise the chicken will dissolve on the corn and will be worse.

My recipe is suitable for smashing kernels. If you feed broilers, even in the summer add more corn and less chalk.

The volume of portion depends on the breed. Adult nurses must eat 120 g of feed per day, meat-egg - 130 g, and meat - 140 g.

If it is too lazy to measure the desired amount of grain every time, mix a lot in advance and pour into the jar. Keep it in any dry place no more than six months.

All other ingredients mix before feeding. Ready-made feed can be kept a maximum of day. Then he skisnet, and the chickens can poison. Do not be lazy every time to prepare a new portion.

I like this recipe, because it has all the ingredients that increase productivity. It turns out a balanced feed with a sufficient amount of plant and animal proteins, fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Kuras are perfectly carried even in a laid cold and consistently gain weight.

If your chickens never fucked feed, teach them gradually. First give 60 g, then 70 g and so gradually bring the portion to the norm.

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