A chic film where Schurik sweat the young, still unknown Vysotsky


This is "Career Dima Gorina" 1961. In essence, production lyrical comedy. But removed from the soul - the romance of the Great Buildings.

Then there was a completely different country. Built and mastered with unprecedented enthusiasm.

Merry good film about ordinary workers guys, about their joys and care for clean light love.

The film was filmed in the Carpathians and in the Urals. The actors lived together with the installers and studied the minimum skills of the profession of the LAP builders. They climbed into high-voltage supports, and the wires were tensioned.

Now he is interesting not only by the fact that he transmits the spirit of that time. There are:

  • Alexander Demyanenko (Dmitry Grigorievich Gorin), who have not yet become shurik;
  • 22-year-old Vladimir Vysotsky (Chofor Sophon), who has not yet become Vysotsky;
  • Beauty Tatyana Konyukhova (Brigadier Galya Berezka).

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A chic film where Schurik sweat the young, still unknown Vysotsky 8925_2

By the time of the shooting, Vysotsky just graduated from MCAT. They say many phrases in this film its improvisation.

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Crank Dima Gorina in performed by Demyanenko It is quite possible to be considered a sketch outline of the future Shurik.

One of the best roles Alexander Demyanenko. Interesting his "arc" - rebirth from a won an accountant in a simple working guy. And after all fell in love with the very first beauty at the construction site ...


During the shooting, literally in the field, on the expedition, Tatyana Konyukhova found out that it was pregnant.

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Tale of Taiga Cinderella. Love Dima transforms Gali. Galya liked Dima still at home! Remember, he glued down from different persons, and Galya turned out, as he admired it! And, having arrived in Taiga, he met his portrait in reality. ***

The scene, where Vysotsky was supposed to pester Tatiana in a truck cockpit, starred. Vysotsky was very embarrassed. He is a young, novice actor with the first noticeable role, and Konya Star and older for seven years. For him, she was then an inaccessible movie star.

But the director insisted, played the scene.

Tatyana told:


Demianenko was seriously given shooting on high-voltage wires, over a huge precipice: the final of the film - Mattering Dima Gorin, and feminine Galya birch on the wires of the LAP! The directions were still invented so that he would do without glasses all this, as if he threw them to seem more courageous in the eyes of the main heroine.

Tatyana told in an interview:


And another important, invisible hero of the film-Zinovy ​​Gerdt, his unique voice, ironically reading the text, explaining the episodes, voice, accompanying all the events of the film.

And what kind of music, what songs in the film! How do they complement the film, strengthening the impression!

Song "And the snow goes" and now go. The author of the music is Andrei Eshpai, poems - Evgenia Evtushenko. Vocal - Maya Kristalinskaya.

In general, wonderful cinema. Cleaning relationships, kind humor, friendly team, a large important thing that these people perform, the artistic feature create a wonderful mood when watching. Thanks to the talent of authors and actors, there was not an ideological agitator, but a wonderful sincere cinema with a thin humor of heroes!

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