What to do if we reduced the dish


Those who at least once be prepared, know: with salt, you can make the taste of dishes brighter, and the reassurance, it is easy to spoil all the cooked. However, experienced cooks in this case are able to save the dish and the excess salt for them is not a sentence.

"Take and do" will tell you what to do if there was too much salt in the dish.

1. Rinse with water content

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Remove the extra salt of boiled croup, macaroni and vegetables with the help of running water. Rinse the contents of your pot, and then continue cooking. If you bought a too salty ready-made product, you can soak it for a while.

2. Add to the water dish

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If during cooking you reasured sauce or gravy, add 3-4 tbsp. l. Water and bring everything to a boil. Try on salt. If the added water turned out to be not enough, repeat the operation 1-2 times. In the event that the addition of water was too liquid from adding water, you can add more basic ingredients to preserve the consistency. Important: It is not recommended in such a way to save saved soup. When adding water, the broth will be less saturated to taste.

3. Add lemon juice

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Make less salty taste of meat or fish will help lemon. Add a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice to the dish and mix. Be careful not to overdo the acid: add juice and evaluate the result obtained gradually. Also, if you wish, you can slightly dilute lemon juice with water. Option: Instead of lemon juice, it is possible to use citric acid dissolved in water, vinegar or not very sharp mustard.

4. Use sugar

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Normal sugar will help reduce salt. You can add a bit of sweets to the dish you prepared or use raffin sugar as an absorbent. To do this, place a 1-2 sugar cube in a tablespoon and slightly immerse it into the broth. Wait for a complete dissolution of sugar, and then pull the spoon with sugar syrup. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result. Lifehak: Instead of sugar, the pump of black bread is suitable. It also perfectly removes slices.

5. Use rice, buckwheat or potatoes

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Some products have excellent absorbent properties, so it will be easy to help solve the problem with an excess salt. To make the soup more fresh, add rice, buckwheat or potatoes into it. Put the croup or potato in gauze or fabric sac and drop into the soup for a while. You can also use cereals in special bags for cooking. Lifehak: Do not throw a product-absorbent cooked in this way. Having absorbed the taste and fragrance of broth, it can become an excellent garnish.

6. Dilute the blanks with vegetables or boiled crops

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Called meat or vegetables (for example, stew) can be saved using tomatoes. Add sliced ​​tomatoes into the dish and sweat slightly. With this task, carrots and fresh greens also cope well. You can add carrots, zucchini, potatoes or boiled rice in the saved mince. These ingredients will make it less salted, but no less tasty.

7. Use dairy products or vegetable fats

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Saving saved meat, fish, bird can sour cream, cream or milk. It is enough to put out the main product in them within a few minutes. So you get rid of excess salt and prepare gentle gravy in addition. Option: Instead of dairy products, you can use coconut milk for these purposes or pieces of avocado. They will also help balance the taste of dishes and drown out salt.

8. Make a portion more

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If you reasured a salad or baking dough, use more ingredients to make them taste more fresh. Increase the portion of the salad salad about 1/2 part by adding unsalted ingredients. And to the portion of an overlooking the salty test, add approximately planning the dough without salt.

9. Combine salted and fresh

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To drown out the salty taste of some dishes, you can combine them with more fresh. For example, a good addition to salt meat is a fresh vegetable salad or a weakly salted side dish. Also, a saunate dish can be supplemented with fresh cheese or sauce.

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