"The boundaries between banks and cryptocurrentes are already erased", - CMO Mobile Cryptobank Mineplex


The editorial office of Beincrypto talked with CMO Mobile Cryptobank Mineplex Alexander Mamasidikov and found out in which direction the process of merging crypto studios with traditional finances in Russia in 2021

At the end of 2020, traditional banking services and cryprotes took a rate on rapprochement. For example, cryptocurrency deposits were available for digital coins holders, lending using decentralized finance platforms, cryptocurrency payments through PayPal and much more. This year, this trend will continue and, perhaps, will receive a new impetus, the director of Mineplex Mobile Cryptobank.

The last 2020 was the year of the merger of centralized and decentralized finances, the penetration of traditionally bank products on the cryptocurrency market. How much did this tendency manifest itself in Russia?

A.M.: The development of banks friendly to cryptocurrency is observed in the world. The next generation of users will choose banks that support digital assets. However, at the moment, cryptobanks that have a license for banking services, little. This is the Swiss Seba, Kraken Exchange and Anchorage. In Russia, due to a special legal framework and the contradictory relations of the state, there are no such analogues to the digital assets.

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What is the feature of such projects, or as it is customary to be called Neudark. First, this is the integration of banking services into cryptocuse. That is, users will be able to pay utility services or carry out other familiar payments using cryptocurrency. Special algorithms are capable of instantly convert cryptocurrency in rubles, so a fate currency comes to the final account. This does not contradict the legislation, but opens up new opportunities for Russians. Secondly, the introduction of bank cards with cryptocurrency support will speed up the process of adopting a cryptomet of citizens of the country and raise the awareness of residents of Russia and the CIS countries on digital assets.

- Does it mean that bank products will appear on the cryptocurrency market, the type of debit and credit cryptocurrency cards? How will they work in the country, given that in Russia, a ban on the use of cryptocurrency as a means of means is introduced?

A.M.: Cryptocurrency cards are an obvious trend of the year around the world. This is due to many factors: optimization of financial relations between companies and individuals, minimal commissions, security.

Interest in the use of cryptocurrency supports the development of state digital assets and the attention of institutional investors. In Russia, attitudes towards cryptocartes and the legal sides of the issue remain open. We do not exclude the fact that many banks will support the payment of cryptocurrency or digital currency of the Central Bank. As you remember, the Association of Banks of Russia has already confirmed the need to create a digital ruble. This is a huge step towards the adoption of cryptocurrency. My opinion: cryptocurrency debit and credit cards will appear in the near future.

- What about cryptodeposites and cryptocredits? Will cryptocurrency be able to compete or even replace traditional bank loans that are still too expensive for Russians?

A.M.: Many companies are already developing or providing these services. For users, it is cheaper than traditional bank loans. And cryptocuridate deposits are much more profitable than banking. In 2020, the government reduced the banking rate several times, which ultimately led to a decrease in interest on deposit deposits. As a result, deposits began to have practically zero profitability, given the inflation rates.

In principle, in the territory of the CIS, and not only Russia, deposits cannot be considered a profitable tool. Maximum what the contributor can count on is to protect money from inflation. With cryptocurrency with accuracy. Fast growth price cryptomet makes cryptodepositis profitable investment instrument. I think this direction will continue to develop in our country.

- What other ways to make money on cryptocurrencies are available for Russians?

A.M.: We recommend choosing reliable ways to make money on cryptocurrencies without interfising in the financial pyramids. They differ in two main features: the lack of this company's product (remind you that trading is not a product) and the legality of the company.

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In fact, today there are many types of earnings on cryptocurrency, which are most often associated with market speculation. I am against such approaches, so we created our business model, which implies two types of income for the user: passive and active.

- For Russians, the question of the safety of the use of cryptocurrencies remains relevant. How to protect your assets from fraudsters and what technologies do you use?

A.M.: Indeed, the issue of security remains relevant not the first year. Despite the fact that storage and data transfer technologies are rapidly developing, hackers also do not sit, folded hands, and are looking for new ways to theft of funds.

Therefore, I recommend adhere to the basic security rules:

  • reliably store LED phrase from his crypto wallet;
  • Always check the site for phishing;
  • do not trade on the stock exchange without solid knowledge;
  • Never buy cryptocurrency on credit money.

It is necessary to understand and know the fundamental factors of the reliability of the cryptocurrency used. I will give an example how it works for us. Mineplex has developed its own blockchain based on the TEZOS architecture, which has proven itself as a real decentralized blockchain from more than 1000 nodes. It is based on a complex and reliable programming language for Michelson and Ocaml, which is used in the aerospace industry.

Also, for safe use of the crypton and increasing the financial literacy of all Mineplex users plans to launch their own university with educational courses. His doors will open this year.

- Now the cryptobanking service is increasingly used. What is it and what is her feature?

A.M.: Cryptobanks offer traditional banking services, combining the safety of blockchain-solutions and the possibility of cryptocurrency. This means that digital assets begin to perform their key function - elimination of geographic boundaries when using currency. Financial services will be available anywhere in the world with instant operations and reliability, thanks to the technology of the blockchain.

- That is, using cryptobanking users can make their usual payments: utilities, pay for purchases and loans? How it works?

A.M.: Cryptobanking will act as a regular bank only using cryptocurrency. It will be possible to pay for the cryptocurrency accounts for housing and communal services, buy a ticket, products or book a hotel, make international translation, etc. It will be available for all users anywhere in the world without the need to visit 24/7 offices. It will facilitate the life of a huge number of users both cryptocurrencies and FIATA. According to forecasts, the number of potential users of mobile banking after three years will exceed 3.6 billion people.

- In fact, cryptobanking makes cryptocurrency available even for beginners, combining banking services and cryptocurrency in itself?

A.M.: Yes, everything is true. Cryptobanking will become a conductor of financial services not only for cryptoid users, but in general, people who live in very remote corners of the Earth and have no opportunity to use the bank. Now there are more than 101 million cryptovaluses in the world. Over the past two years, their number has grown by 189%. And this is just the beginning.

- What are the project plans for 2021 and for the next 5 years?

A.M.: MINEPLEX BANKING team mission - Remove restrictions with access to the world cryptocurrency for users. The actions of the team are aimed at introducing available, understandable and simple financial instruments for the use of cryptocurrency and fiat. So, in January, the payment gateway Mineplex, cryptoexvaring is launched. In March, we plan to release cryptocartes. Next, in 2021, a mobile application, P2P exchanger, Markeples will be implemented, the University of Mineplex will be implemented.

In the next 5 years, the launch of a decentralized messenger is scheduled, opening a credit line using decentralized finance tools, and much more. We believe in the indisputable values ​​of the blockchain community and strive to include technology into real segments of everyday life today.

- Thanks for the conversation!

The POST "Borders between banks and cryptocurrency are already erased", - CMO Mobile Cryptobank Mineplex Appeared First On Beincrypto.

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