Unusual vegetable garden: spicy plants on your beds - beauty and benefit at the same time


    Good afternoon, my reader. Often the owners of small sites are facing the choice, solving a difficult question: what plants give preferences. After all, I want to be beautiful and planting on the site. In this case, there is a good option to resolve the problem: you need to plant edible fragrant herbs.

    Unusual vegetable garden: spicy plants on your beds - beauty and benefit at the same time 8895_1
    Unusual garden: Spicy plants on your beds - Beauty and use at the same time Maria Verbilkova

    This is a beautiful flowering plant, reaching a height of up to 80 cm, will decorate any garden. It will complement the bed with other useful cultures: sage, chamber, lavender.

    Oregano is an indispensable ingredient for fragrant tea. And besides, springs of spiced grass are used to prepare sophisticated meat dishes. An unpretentious plant grows both in the sun and in a half. To the quality of the soil, the soul is undemanding.

    Perennial grass with small gentle blue or pale purple flowers prefers open, well-lit sections. It is important that the soil is loose and moderately moistened.

    A plant that is often called feline mint is planted both in single landings and in a group with related or contrast cultures. Miniature cotton varieties are used to design rocky gardens, alpine slides and borders along the garden tracks.

    Fragrant strong-erect culture, achieving in a height of up to 1.5 meters, not so often can be seen on modern gardens. And in ancient times, this grass was especially read and used as a spice. In addition, during the flowering period, it looks quite decorative.

    The plant, which has acquired the second name - lemon mint, is grown both in the sun and in a small shading. Culture prefers loose, fertile, well-moistened soil.

    Unusual vegetable garden: spicy plants on your beds - beauty and benefit at the same time 8895_2
    Unusual garden: Spicy plants on your beds - Beauty and use at the same time Maria Verbilkova

    Melissa is an indispensable raw material for the preparation of fragrant tea, soft drinks and essential oil. In addition, a spicy plant is a wonderful honey, attracting useful insects in the garden.

    An indispensable plant in a series of spicy crops, depending on the variety, may look different and distinguished by the smell. Some species have a saturated menthole or lemon fragrance.

    Unusual vegetable garden: spicy plants on your beds - beauty and benefit at the same time 8895_3
    Unusual garden: Spicy plants on your beds - Beauty and use at the same time Maria Verbilkova

    Spicy perennials are used to brew tea, preparation of lemonade and other soft drinks. In addition, the pepper mint is perfectly combined with fish and meat dishes and is suitable for some types of jam. The decorative plant is attached to fragrant inflorescences of lilac color against the background of bright emerald foliage.

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