Ambitious "Plan of Four Aspects" at 2021


Last year's forecast that 2020 will lead around the world to a sharp decline in the conjuncture, turned out to be absolutely accurate. Dr. Eckhard Kaill said this during the 15th International Congress of the Industrial Press, organized by Roto, emphasizing: "I would like to be away from this crisis."

The main culprit of predominantly negative development of events is a pandemic, which, according to the statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Roto Frank Holding AG, is again forces repaid plans, which potentially threatens the emergence of damage in other foci of crisis. Working worldwide, the construction construction supplier has demonstrated high efficiency in the opposition to the "global coronary shock", raised turnover and profits, and also reached all of its goals. And in 2021, the Group of Companies intends to implement "ambitious plans".


Roto Group opens the quality of economic forecasts

In his official statement, Kaill was first touched upon aspects, which so far in the official discussion were never considered important when discussing the topic "Economy and Coronavirus". He called the "discouraging" situation when there is still "work" to one degree or another significant restrictions on free trade due to the preservation of sanctions (in relations between the United States and China, the EU and Russia, etc.). According to him, in this issue, the policy "lost the mind and the ability to extract lessons from the past". If you often neglected the principles of a market economy, especially during the times of Kovid, it becomes fraught with fatal results.

The Board of Directors of the Holding again criticized the quality of the work of many economic research institutes. After all, they are endlessly in the "mode of constant correction of their own mistakes", causing doubt and uncertainty in people. Similar forecasts that spread immediately after the start of the epidemic were sown in people with false "apocalyptic moods", which no one even remembers about. Now, in predictions, the priority enjoys the slogan "things are not so bad." Still, it is very doubtful or it is impossible to imagine that optimal entrepreneurial strategies and decisions are drawn from the set of "ratings of popular expert theories". Also, it is often a popular belief that after the appearance of the coronairus, the labor resource position has changed in a radically, Echard Kylel refers skeptical: "I do not expect revolutions, but the maximum that will be evolution."

It is worth saying about the completely special effect of COVID-19, which directly manifested itself in the field of windows production. Thanks to him, the media and the public has shocked the German culture of the maximum openness of official institutions in working with the press. In his recent article, the Berlin correspondent of respectable English "Gardian" described in detail this effect, calling it "German Window". In turn, a certain American, in a five-minute video in Youtube, with delight demonstrated the effect of the effect: "I was completely unknown with the principle of operation of the folding window." Because of such close attention, most likely, the popularity of the window of this design will even grow even in the era after the epidemic.

Chances of economic growth, taking into account the "Coronavirus factor"

The economic storms caused by a pandemic, of course, did not spare the relevant markets and regions with which Roto works, and eventually became the cause of uneven development associated with various local conditions. Therefore, it is not necessary to be surprised at a noticeable weakening of your own business. However, as of September 30, 2020, a completely reverse picture is seen through the prism of ROTO Group indicators. As it turned out, to this date, the total turnover amounted to 511.8 million euros (the previous figure is 509.4 million euros), which even exceeds last year's result. These figures include statistics from three territorial units, each of which has a unique level of economic development. While the "Window and Door Technology" (FTT) department barely equal to the indicators since 2019, the department of "technical equipment of the roof" (DST) demonstrated a noticeable growth. The "Professional Service" (RPS) department, specializing in full additional equipment and doors, has received a profit, which is expressed in two-digit figures.

Assessing specialists that in the fourth quarter, by analogy with previous years, there will be no sharp changes, it is necessary, of course, to perceive taking into account the "Coronavirus factor". If on this front everything will also stay calmly, Kailel calculates for the entire 2020 year of the group in the amount of 675 million euros "+ x" (compared with last year's 668 million euros). So, there is a chance for a nominal growth of almost 2%.

The Roto group, the ratio between transactions abroad and within the country is about two thirds to one third. There is a small tendency to reduce the number of employees, which today around the world is approximately 4.800 people. The investment program was purposefully conducted in 2020 and was implemented at the "level adapted to the situation", concentrating mainly on the acquisition of new fixed assets and the transition to the work on digital equipment.

Warranty for partners

Eckhard Kailel noted a "positive trend" in profitability indicators. The total indicators of the group increased significantly due to the effective organization of resource management spending. In addition, the Board of Directors of the Holding noted the yield of the shipping sector, which, as it turned out, despite the coronavirus, has unlimited potential at all stages of production chains, providing an explicit advantage of the company among other players in the industry. A further increase in the already high proportion of equity, emphasizes economic stability that it is precisely in crisis times that is an important stability factor for partners.

Dr. Kaill added that the section conducted in 2019 on the holding and three territorial units "gave excellent results." We can assume that the goals that the company has pursued this step has already been achieved. It was possible to simplify intricate production schemes, raise transparency and speed up technological processes. And the rest of the Roto continues to embody his motto in practice "to constantly change, you need to get better every day."


Kylel regarded as a clear commitment to the case of the enterprise the upcoming direct interaction between the families of the owners in the supervisory councils of individual companies. As previously reported, in the relevant organs of the holding, units "Window and door technology", as well as "technical equipment of the roof", there are only four people representing the Frank family. This is an important signal.

And again, Kaill is satisfied with the decrease in the size of the Roto group of companies: "We were able to achieve everything that was previously outlined." In particular, for the most part, it was possible to get rid of the overall negative trend, to realize the positive conjuncture of the company, allegedly achieve turnover growth and improve profitability. Thus, we enter "perhaps the same difficult 2021", strengthening its position.

Flexibility and continuity of the strategy

At the international bottom of the sectoral press, first passing in online mode, Kaill in its overall forecast described two scenarios. With a positive event of events, the Coronavirus situation will gradually fall, so the markets around the world will open faster than expected. In addition, the technical re-equipment will accelerate. In the case of a negative scenario around the world, enterprises will be closed for the second time, which will pull the economic collapse, which will once again have to overcome the markets. New financial currency crises will be added to these issues. Both of these opportunities will not be excluded today, and for the exact forecast there is no rationale.

The ROTO group of companies learned 140 journalists from 14 countries that connected to the conference. The principle of "Plan of Four Aspects": It is better to develop a technical park updating than to cut the markets, continue to go to "frontiers" in meeting client requests, as before, to work with the trade turnover and, at a minimum, consolidate the profitability indicators already achieved. As Kaille said about this: "We like to set ambitious tasks in front of you."

It does not matter how events have developed lately: ROTO in the appropriate situation will be as always adapted to the changing environment, without rejecting from the selected course and well who has fed to defend the benefits of the customer. Therefore, in all three territorial units, it is necessary to make efforts more optimally and more efficient to increase their own capacities and profitability.

According to Dr. Eckhard Kaill, Roto Group, operating in the international arena, well showed itself and, despite the "global coronary blow," increased turnover and profits, and also reached all its goals. And in 2021, the company-supplier of building structures intends to implement "ambitious plans" - said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roto Frank Holding AG at the 15th International Congress of the Industrial Press.


Roto Group of Companies intends to make up the technical park update, but do not minimize the markets, continue to go to the "edits" in satisfying client requests, as before, to fully work with trade and, at a minimum, to secure the profitability indicators already achieved.

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