800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city

800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city 8825_1

The 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city, the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region reports.

The first event was the District Forum, which was attended by specialists from the sphere of culture and tourism, education and youth policy, literature and journalists, history, representative and executive bodies of various levels, Gorodetskaya and the Velluzhskaya diocese.

"The forum has become a starting event of a large comprehensive plan for the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky's birth. The plan includes both the events and the creation of a new memorial complex. The figure of Alexander Nevsky is closely connected with the Nizhny Novgorod region, and we will work on the fact that the Nizhny Novgorod and guests of the region can best feel this connection as much as possible, "said Gleb Nikitin's governor.
800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city 8825_2

It is known that as part of the celebration on the basis of the estate of the merchant Korytnikov, a memorial complex will appear. It is planned to place an archaeological collection and historical assemblies of the Gorodetsky historical and artistic museum complex.

"For Nizhny Novgorod, it is also the ability to be in the very center of events, touch our story pages. The revival of the Meodor monastery is directly connected with the name of St. Alexander Nevsky. In many respects, under his supervision, a new history of the Orthodox City, carefully storing traditions, skill, cultural heritage, "said the State Duma Deputy Artem Kavinov said.
800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky began to celebrate in the city 8825_3

Potility cities City, as well as cities associated with the name Alexander Nevsky, presented their video information on the forum.

"The name of Alexander Nevsky entered all spheres of life is both tourist routes, and a new museum complex that we will open this year in the fall. These are various events, educational programs. Without the upbringing of young people in the spirit of Alexander Nevsky, we cannot imagine the future of Russia. In all programs and events that will be held in Gorodetsky district, we will mention his name, "said Alexander Mudrov, head of local self-government.
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At the end of the forum, a solemn procession and laying of flowers to the monument to Alexander Nevsky took place. It is known that the district administration in the future also plans to organize various thematic events, including round tables, creative meetings and more.

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