Glow of the people: what pleased 2020


Glow of the people: what pleased 2020 88_1

The twentieth year is remembered primarily as the year of Kovida. Sovid himself - trouble, but he brought the economic crisis with him. Those who themselves and whose closeness were not affected by the disease, as the greatest difficulty recall the loss of work and earnings, price increase. This is a complaint of two thirds of the adult population, and this situation, we note, worries more than 70% of the leading workers.

Suspension locked, the complication of contacts were especially seriously perceived during the first wave. To the second wave of some restrictions, there was less, some learned to bypass, some of them are accustomed. It was not easier, but less hard and sick. To whom in these extraordinary conditions, to seek medical care, carried a variety of impressions. From admiration for doctors and hot gratitude to indignation by actions / inaction of the medical authorities. In the capital, where the level of medical care was the highest, improved hospital work and the clinic noted 21%, and in small towns less, 16%. The deterioration in medium and small cities was noted, alas, 3-3.5 times more often. It is alarming that the improvement is most often noted by the youngest, and the deterioration is the poorest. This is the effect of the so-called insurance medicine, had to hear from doctors - health veterans. They are invisible in networks, and on focus groups: where they treat for money, they treat, and where so - no. Extraordinary and emergency medicine worked with all his might. People seen it and appreciated. But they also saw the situation when these forces were missing and the ambulance system itself turned into a focus of disaster.

A special place in the memoirs of people about the 2020 viral year will take the impression of the power to appeal about the progress of the epidemic. We will not talk about those who did not believe that there is such a disease. We will talk about those who thought about their rights of a citizen of Russia: to know that vital is happening in his country. Heads of different levels, accustomed to think primarily about the reaction of those who are higher, and not those who are below, they spoke the truth. The idea that they underestimate the number of sick, because they need it, neighboring with the thought that they overestim, too, because they need it. As a result, the mass consciousness turned out to be disoriented.

Another component for the people of the component in the twentieth year of the situation - interruptions in the work of schools, translation of the educational process to online mode. As at one time, parents (as well as teachers) were most painfully reacted on the introduction of the exam, and now the main complaint and outraged contingent - two thirds of women at the age of mothers and grandmothers (among men - half). In the choir of indignant votes, those who give a political explanation of innovations with this are clearly worse, in their opinion, education: the president did not know, they say, too many people with the highest, and who will stand? So they are preparing such, who will not reach the highest. Who will be easier than. To this, others add: stupid it is easier to control, so they grow generations that they will rule easily.

This year I was remembered by many Russians (although not everyone) in that he broke their plans to go on vacation abroad. Compensation paths found quite a few: and travel through the native country, and more active use of the existing second housing - a village house with his beds and giving with her flower beds. But, according to the reviews of specialists, these resources could not give full compensation. One article is the level of services and comfort. Our total recreational potential is significantly lower than what the year our people in their foreign arrows.

Second article - other civilization, other moral and political climate. You can call it beautiful words: inhale the air of freedom. But the fact that our society is inhaled is not very freedom. It is an opportunity to consume his civil benefits for rights not a citizen, but guest, i.e. Not carrying any obligations. This corresponds to the domestic concept of "will". We don't have much freedom for freedom, and the fate of them, as a rule, is not fun. But wield lovers are a lot. Some of it get, leaving for fishing, others - burning into their garden-garden, third - plunging into the hobby. And the fourth - leaving abroad. All are innocent things, non-tested. This sip of will makes it possible to make any special and political conditions for the rest of the time without any special objections. But if for one reason or another people are deprived of this Will Tolly, they begin to feel the flaws and disadvantages of their household and political everyday life. And then not far to the manifestations of discontent from usually loyal and obedient categories of the population. They start moving from the position of the man in the streets to the position of citizens.

What else I remember a year - a vote for zeroing. It turns out that in the memoirs who were shared at the end of December, the balance of pronounced positive and negative emotions about this vote is also close to zero - 32% called them extremely negative, 35% - entirely positive. Well, it would seem, drove, forgot, scored. At the top level of mass consciousness it is. But for some signs on deeper horizons there was the same effect that in 2008, when it turned out: again everything is the same.

Well, were the joy in the outgoing year? But how: 47% have experienced positive emotions due to the resignation of Dmitry Medvedev. And many more than one: finally the perennial dreams were fulfilled in 57% of persons aged 55 and older. They experienced "entirely positive emotions", having learned about the "resignation of Anatoly Chubais from the post of head of the Rosnano Corporation. Now everything will be fine!

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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