In Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic, Pianist Roman Borisov will perform

In Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic, Pianist Roman Borisov will perform 8799_1

On March 4, the laureate of international competitions, a repeated member of the music projects of the International Charitable Foundation Vladimir Spevakova, the Denis Matsueva Roman Borisov (Piano, Novosibirsk (Piano, Novosibirsk) will be performed in the small hall of the Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic. This was reported in Philharmonic.

The Italian Concert I.S. will sound in the program of the piano evening Bach, Ballad number 4 F. Chopin, Opus 119 I. Brahms and Sonata №7 S.Prokofeva.

The concert will be held under the program of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Philharmonic Seasons".

The beginning of the concert at 18:30.


Roman Borisov - a concerting pianist. At the heart of his repertoire - famous masterpieces of romantic music, such as foreplay and Schopin etudes, Hungarian sheets, Miniatures of Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov. But a special place belongs to concerts for piano with the orchestra, among them - the first Tchaikovsky, the second Rakhmaninov, the 23rd and 24th concerts of Mozart, the first concerts of Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms ...

The Siberian School of Piano Mastery was the professional basis of his talent: the novel from four years is a student of the famous Novosibirsk pianist and the teacher - a well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Mary Simchny Lebenzon.

Numerous awards of international competitions weigly complement the biography of a young musician. Among the most significant: the first international competition of young pianists "Astana Piano Passion". Laureate II degree (2013, Astana, Kazakhstan); II International Contest of Young Pianists Grand Piano Competition, Laureate. (2018, Moscow); III Moscow International Competition of Pianists Vladimir Kronov, winner of the Achievement Prize (2019, Moscow).

A graduate of the Summer Academy 2019 of the festival in Verbier, Switzerland, (Verbier Festival Academy), who received the award of The Tabor Foundation Award, which is awarded to the best graduates of the Piano section.

In the creative baggage of the novel by the speech with the Russian State Course. E.F. Svetlana, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, the Novosibirsk Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Governor Symphony Orchestra of the Irkutsk Philharmonic and others. He worked with such famous conductions as Vladimir Spivakov, Alexander Sladkovsky, Thomas Zanderling. In the chamber composition, he was opposed to Vadim Repin and Alexander Buzlov.

In 2020, he represented Russian culture to Davos Investor Nightcap, organized by the Russian direct investment fund at the International Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).

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