4 signs of a non-heavy woman who will spoil even the image of beauty


Some women are difficult to stop in an attempt to make your image perfect. Therefore, even well-thought-out hairstyle, impeccable clothing, bright makeup will look insight or inappropriate if you allow several errors. What are they going to? A woman looks attractive and expensive only if she is well-groomed. And the point here is not so much in the hairstyle or make-up, but in the purity of the hair and a neat manicure, even if there is no lacquer on the nail plate.

Such women met each in their vitality. At first glance, it is even difficult to say that it is in them repels. They may have gold jewelry, extensive eyelashes, beautiful clothes, manicure, but in general it looks untidy. Their main mistakes are as follows.

4 signs of a non-heavy woman who will spoil even the image of beauty 8799_1

1. Dirty hair

There is no excuse to dirty felling strands, while the plumbing today is in every home. It is very important to know the features of their curls to wash them on time, and not wait when they look fat and ugly. Going to work or go for a walk with such a head of a real mistake, as it will not fix it a single fashion accessory.

If the time to wash the head does not remain, dry shampoo always comes to the rescue. It should be in the cosmetic bag of any modern woman, because it can always be helped at any time. Choose better products of famous brands to shake the curls, they looked cleaner and neat.

2. Through eyebrows or ugly their form

The main decoration of the face is eyebrows, so the creation of an attractive form needs to be given maximum attention. You need to visit a specialist for correction more often than walking to the manicure, since it directly depends on how much a woman will look neat and well-groomed. Through the thumbs need to be deleted in a timely manner, use special means for laying and, if necessary, draw the missing hairs with a pencil.

3. Bad teeth or smell from mouth

Another mistake that many ladies allow. Attending the dentist should every modern person at least once every six months. This is especially important to make smokers, those who drink a lot of tea and coffee. It is also recommended to use additional funds that effectively clean the flare and bleaching enamel.

Also ugly looks a dental stone that attracts attention no less than the caries on the front teeth. It is possible to periodically use chewing gum or refreshing sprays to get rid of poor smell in the mouth.

4 signs of a non-heavy woman who will spoil even the image of beauty 8799_2

4. Tough nails and sloping varnish

Many women regularly go to the masters and make manicure. But if there is no time to do this, you can put the nails in order alone. To do this, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment and give this process a little time in the evening. But if the strength and desires are not even enough for it, it is enough to periodically cut and follow the cleanliness. Such a manicure will look tidy and more beautiful than the smeared varnish is not the first freshness.

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