5 facts about meat, which will discuss your desire to have it until the end of the post. Or maybe for life


On February 19, a great post began, during which it is necessary to refrain from meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and alcohol. If for supporters of plant food such deprivation will be held without volitional effort, then convinced meatyads will have to be hard. To a piece of steak was not so attractive and mounted, we will give at all appetizing and even frightening arguments that will help save composure.

Not digested completely

All predators whose digestive tract is adapted to digest meat, have a short esophagus with an acidic medium inside. All this makes it possible to prevent the rotting of the flesh inside the gastrointestinal tract, since the small length of the digestive tract accelerates the passage, and the acidic medium helps animal products split and digest. The person has a long esophagus and less acidity than predators. For this reason, the full absorption of the meat's digestive tract is impossible: the absolute maximum that has time to be learned in such conditions is 60% of the total number of eaten. The remaining part is reloading inside the esophagus, the body shares and leads to health problems.

5 facts about meat, which will discuss your desire to have it until the end of the post. Or maybe for life 8791_1

Violates the hormoneal background

Manufacturers are interested in the animals going on slaughter, as soon as possible gained weight, processed, went to the counters of stores and brought profits. Therefore, from the very birth, an animal isoiced by thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland, which allow you to dial a lot in a short time. In addition, for the same purposes, as well as in order to make meat especially soft, sex hormones are used.

Daily receiving them with food, the animal accumulates and postpones these substances that simply do not have time to be output, since the reception is carried out regularly. Therefore, the use of meat products by man sooner or later causes a failure of its own hormonal background, which, in turn, leads to diseases of the thyroid gland, pathological obesity, infertility and other vices.

Together with meat we eat antibiotics

In order to protect production from animal diseases, epidemics and flowing costs (killing and burial of the livestock, ease of production), each animal is nuts with antibiotics. Therefore, in a set with meat there is a couple of pills of strongest antibiotics, which not only undermine immunity and reduce the subsequent reaction to treatment, but also harm the state of the liver, kidney and intestinal microflora.

5 facts about meat, which will discuss your desire to have it until the end of the post. Or maybe for life 8791_2

Increases the risk of fatal chronic diseases

As evidence, we present the conclusions from the book "Chinese study", written in 2004 by Colin Campbell, an honorary professor of the Department of Food Biochemistry of Cornell University. It includes the conclusions of an unprecedented on the scale of a 20-year-old project, which prove the relationship between the consumption of animal products and a number of chronic diseases. Namely:
  1. Cancer. All other things being equal, the meat diet increases the risk of developing oncological diseases by 21%. In this case, the refusal of animal proteins after the occurrence of the tumor slows down its development by 40%, which makes it possible to cure and undergo a rehabilitation course without risk for life.
  2. Diabetes. Meat is a possible culprit of sugar diabetes. If diabetics refuses such dishes, this will reduce the need for insulin-containing preparations.
  3. Multiple sclerosis. Another disease associated with the use of animal food. In 95% of cases, the transition to a vegetation diet allows to avoid heavy symptoms of this autoimmune disease and significantly reduce its manifestations.
  4. Heart diseases. Meat leads to an increase in cholesterol and, as a result, to the blockage of blood vessels. Most of the "heart plants" lying in the cardiology departments are the departed meat.

Capably cause Alzheimer's disease

Homocysteine, which appears during the splitting of animal proteins, increases the risk of manifestation of this deviation almost twice. In this case, it is also not only about meat, but also about all animal proteins.

5 facts about meat, which will discuss your desire to have it until the end of the post. Or maybe for life 8791_3

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