The source declared the technical problems of the "Science" module. They are considered eliminated

The source declared the technical problems of the
The source declared the technical problems of the "Science" module. They are considered eliminated

The module for the ISS "Science" has long turned into one of the main "long-term" rocket-space industry. One of the reasons is technical problems. As it became known, now on board the module has discovered new problems.

They, however, should not affect his fate. "Comments to" Science "are, but all of them eliminated, there are no fatal comments. There is also an electrician, and the design of the comments, but there are relatively few of them, "said a knowledgeable source.

It is important to note that, according to him, the launch is still scheduled for April 30: Earlier, July was called as a month of start. According to another source, the exact date of the launch of "science" is only to be defined.

Earlier in the Russian Space department reported that the "science" was 80% of checks in the territory of Baikonur. Engineers, among other things, checked the television communication system and the antenna-feeder device of the television system, as well as TV chains and encoders. Experts tested the sets of the temperature regime system, the components of the motor setup complex, the motion control system and the module navigation, as well as the elements of the fuel system.

The source declared the technical problems of the
Computer image of the appearance of the Russian Segment of the ISS after joining the "Science" module / © Wikipedia

"Science" means a lot for the Russian segment of the ISS. With a roughly ten-year-old resource, the module will ensure the work of the Russian station segment until 2030.

The module will provide new, wider opportunities in order to conduct scientific and applied research and experiments. Entering the "Science" into operation will also provide the Russian segment of the ISS with an additional space, where workplaces can be equipped, store cargoes and place equipment for water and oxygen regeneration.

Recently, the domestic segment of the ISS is increasingly facing various types of technical problems. Experts do not believe that they can jeopardize the lives and health of the crew members of the station, but difficulties are once again forced to talk about the state of Russian equipment.

Recall, on the eve it became known about the exit on the Russian segment of the ISS one of the air conditioning systems - SC-2. The second - SCM-1 - continued to work in normal mode.

In the fall of last year, experts were looking for air leakage in the intermediate chamber of the "Star" module. Also in October there was a smoke of equipment.

Source: Naked Science

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