Jewelry with insects: for lovers of wildlife


Nature is an infinite source of inspiration. It is not surprising that in jewelry design, symbols of colors, plants, insects are used everywhere. They are recreated from metal, precious stones, ceramics, achieving maximum similarity.

And sometimes it uses real insects to create jewelry, turning them into a fashionable accessory. Butterflies are going to the move with the finest multicolored wings, pancakes and even cockroaches. The cost of such jewelry reaches several hundred dollars a piece.

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History of popularity

It is believed that the first decorations with insects began to wear in ancient Egypt.

Egyptian soldiers took with them the battle of the scarab beetles. They believed that this talisman had supernatural ability to protect against enemies.

Insect ornaments were characteristic of Maya culture. Very worried Beetle Maksche - large, calm and endless. They were decorated with gold and semi-precious stones, and then attached to a decorative pin with a chain leash. Women from the Yucatan Peninsula wore such jewelry on the chest, near the heart to strengthen love relationships.

The legend states that once the princess of the Mayan tribe fell in love with a prince from the rival clan. The marriage was impossible, and from grief, the girl stopped eating and drinking, preferring to die than to live without a beloved. It was regretted by the local sorcerer: he turned the princess in the beetle of Makschin so that she could spend the rest of his life, being a beautiful riding on his chest her beloved, next to his heart.

In the XVIII century, hawk accessories, made of beetles and butterflies, became popular. Insects were conquered against the background of brocade and velvet, silk ribbons and gems. Some ladies wore live fireflies in her hair: they glistened and shone brighter the most expensive diamonds.

Beetles and butterflies were used in the form of decorations not only because of their attractiveness, but also due to availability. They cost much less than real jewels. Insects were sewn straight to clothing or concluded in precious frames.

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Modern decorations with insects

In 2006, designer Jared Gold presented a collection of brooches made from the living Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Insects were decorated with Swarovski crystals and subtle leashes - chains of precious metals.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches with proper care live about a year. So, the instruction is supplied with the "decoration": it is described in it than feeding the insect, how often it is to drink and how to equip an aquarium.

Jared Gold Brooches are the only decorations in the world that can hiss. If Madagascar cockroaches are frightened or surprised, they make a sound resembling hiss. Therefore, the designer recommends handling a lively brooch carefully and gently: so as not to scare it nor others.

In modern decorations, insects are often found in the form of inclusive. Golden amber with such an unusual "add-on" will cost much more expensive than a drop of frozen pure resin. But inclusions with clear, well-distinguisible contours are rare.

Some insect fragments can be found in jewelry. Wings of butterflies enclosed in a transparent resin turn into tender pendants, suspension or earrings. More often for this purpose, imitation is used, but sometimes - and real fragments of insects.

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What the Organization for the Protection of Nature Think

The popularity of insect jewelry is caused by, as it is not surprising, interest in nature. In the Victorian era, it was caused by changes associated with the industrial revolution. Many middle-class representatives felt that they would lose touch with the mother-nature, and tried to restore it in such an unusual way.

Nowadays, a number of groups on the protection of animal rights oppose the use of insect jewelry, especially alive. They argue that those "have the same ability to feel pain, like other pets." Their opponents say that only inherit the traditional practice of the indigenous peoples of Yucatan and other ancient civilizations. In addition, with proper care "Live" brooch can live much longer than in the wild.

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Jewelry with insects: for lovers of wildlife 8785_5
Jewelry with insects: for lovers of wildlife 8785_6

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