The girl was given in the orphanage, because the mother considered her ugly. How was her fate after 11 years


What is maternal instinct? This is something inexplicable, appearing after the birth of a child and forcing me to do everything that in the power of the mother, if only her child was happily. But there are cases when for some reason this feeling of mother does not appear and the woman refuses his child. One such incident occurred with a little Julia, whose mother gave her in an orphanage at a very incomprehensible reason. According to Mother, the girl was ugly.

The girl was given in the orphanage, because the mother considered her ugly. How was her fate after 11 years 8780_1

Inna, the mother of Julia became pregnant not planned and for a long time she was thinking about to make an abortion. But relatives and friends were pressed, and Inna's child left. The girl was 23 years old. No husband, and the child's father disappeared from the horizon. Pregnancy went and gradually the girl began to bother with the thought that he would become a mother. I even started to look after and buy children's clothing.

The child was born on time. It was a girl. But glanced at her, Inna did not experience delight. In her opinion, something was wrong with the child. The mouth seemed great, and the whole face was wrinkled and slightly overwhelmed. The devils of the baby were a bit disproportionate and the mother, frightened that the girl had a defect could be not only outside, but also with the psyche, refused her.

The girl was given in the orphanage, because the mother considered her ugly. How was her fate after 11 years 8780_2

That's the way, Little Julia (named the obstetricians themselves) barely appeared on the light, alone remained. And this is despite the fact that her mother is in the same city and can be passed daily very close.

Many are in a hurry to condemn the mother, others indulge. Maybe this is due to the fact that we all judge? But few people can look into the soul of a person who makes such decisions.

Otherwise, any of us can condemn, for example, climbers, for not climbing the vertical rock. But this is all lyrics. What was with a little Julia?

The girl was given in the orphanage, because the mother considered her ugly. How was her fate after 11 years 8780_3

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The girl stayed in an orphanage very long, and to be accurate, then about 8 months. During this time, she will not even be able to realize their position, as it is still very small. The baby launched a married couple who had two of their native children. On the question, regarding the appearance of the girl, Mom and Dad, answered in one voice: "What's wrong with her? We are all different and like someone, and someone does not. The main thing is that healthy, and we will try our best to make the baby grow happy. "

Now the girl 11 and new parents managed to convince her that with her appearance not only everything is in order, but in general it is unique. Now the baby from noticeable defects, only a slight squint, which parents plan to remove when she grows a little.

There are many other things in orphanages in orphanages there would be so many abandoned children, but our task is not to condemn the moms who refused their children, but if possible, to make the abandoned kids are happy.

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