In Balakovo, the leaders of the Criminal Code and HOA remind of the need to brush the roofs timely

In Balakovo, the leaders of the Criminal Code and HOA remind of the need to brush the roofs timely 8778_1

In Balakovo, the social network published photos as children walk on the street Minsk near the building of the post office, where huge icicles hang from the roof. On the website of the administration of the Balakovo district, published information that in Balakovo 1094 apartment buildings, of which 290 are with scanty roofs.

Resolution No. 491 of the Government of the Russian Federation, the roofs of apartment buildings are attributed to generalicity. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management organization, the HOA and the ZhSK is responsible for cleaning, repair and proper state of general-known property, including the cleaning of roofs of apartment buildings from snow, icicles and land. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation also obliges the Organization for Managing an apartment building to create favorable and safe conditions for generalicity. In the event that the owners of the premises in an apartment building chose a direct method of control. Responsibility for cleaning the roofs are assigned to the owners themselves.

The administration of the Balakovo district is recommended to managers managers, HOA, TSN and ECSD to take measures to identify and emergency liquidation of snow-ice masses and icicles, ensure timely cleaning of roofs, facades, balconies, visors of apartment buildings in order to prevent the accumulation of snow and ice formation. Special attention to the elimination of snow and nondes from the roofs of apartment buildings in the locations of gas pipes. For the period from 18.01.2021 to 26.01.2021, work was performed on cleaning 35 pitched roofs of apartment buildings of the city of Balakovo. The permanent fluctuation of the temperature of the outer air leads to the melting of snow on the roofs, which in turn contributes to the formation of the icicles not only on the roofs, but also on the balconies of apartment buildings. In order to prevent accidents and emergencies, residents of apartment buildings must be followed by the state of their balconies, on time to take measures to prevent the formation of icicles and land in balconies.

In Balakovo, the leaders of the Criminal Code and HOA remind of the need to brush the roofs timely 8778_2

We will remind, recently a 11-year-old boy died in Saratov, frowning from the roof fell on it.

Photo from the group "Typical Balakovo"

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