Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties


    Good afternoon, my reader. The spectacular perennial - Astilba is one of the popular decorative plants, which is found both in private and in municipal gardens. The attractiveness of herbaceous shrubs is not only in fluffy inflorescences of various color, but also in the opening of the filament leaves. In domestic gardened markets, culture is represented by a wide range of varieties.

    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties 876_1
    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties Maria Verbilkova

    Perennial grassy culture in the natural environment is found in the Far East, in Southeast Asia, North America. The height of the plant, depending on the varietal, ranges from 0.2 to 2 m.

    Unpretentious herbaceous shrub prefers light, moderately wet soil enriched with humus. Astilba is well evolving in the sun and in light fellow, it easily tolerates winter cold.

    An extraordinary beauty of a hybrid, created on the basis of a Chinese variety, reaches a height of up to 0.8-1 m. Bushes with a thick spreaded crown of a rich green shade decorate the dense blurred inflorescences of gentle colors. The plant is great for solitizers and group landings. Blossom starts in the second half of summer and lasts longer than a month.

    A compact plant with a height of about 0.8 m blooms in July. Against the background of bright green pasty leaves, large blizzards of bright lilac coloring look very smart. In order for the plant longer to lose decorativeness, you should delete dried stems and faded inflorescences.

    This astilba does not differ in high spirits (0.7-0.8 m). Her attractiveness is a dense crown of a dark green shade. Against this background, in the first decade of July, large (about 0.3 m) are blooming (about 0.3 m), slightly disheveled, reflecting the inflorescences of white or yellowish painting.

    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties 876_2
    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties Maria Verbilkova

    One of the most spectacular grants of the Astilba amazes the beauty of the crown and inflorescences. Amazing culture looks great in any corner of the garden. Long stems with dark green leaves and raspberries of inflorescences are suitable even for bouquets. The peak of the decorativeness of this variety falls on the middle of the summer.

    The beauty of this plant consists in high (up to 0.25 m), diamond-shaped snow-white inflorescences. An abstract bush, reaching 0.8-1 m, is formed from the centen dark green leaves on long stiffs.

    Astilb's rare beauty on the background of her relatives looks very unusual. Compact bushes (up to 0.65-0.7 m) during the season change the color of bright green carved leaves on a raspberry or purple shade. Gentle-pink buds collected in loose inflorescences are blown in the last month of summer.

    This grade of culture can be compared with chameleon, often changing their painting. Bright lemon spring foliage is gradually painted in green tones and by the end of the season acquires dark edging. This beauty is complemented by bright lilac buds, assembled in loose panicles.

    This kind of varieties of different heights are presented (from 0.15-0.25 to 0.8-1 m). At the same time, dwarf astilbies are distinguished by late flowering (August-September), and tall - early (June, July, August). The Chinese group includes the following varieties:

    • VIZHN;
    • Hip-hop;
    • Veronica Claoz;
    • Superb and others.

    Plants look attractive thanks to a thick spreader crown consisting of lace foliage. Against this background, large inflorescences of unimaginable paints are perfectly looking great - from white to violet.

    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties 876_3
    Astilba: fluffy inflorescences, carved leaves. Description of the best varieties Maria Verbilkova

    No less original looks Japanese variety of decorative culture. The average height of the plant (up to 0.7-0.8 m) is characterized by a green glossy crown and lush carmine-red inflorescences.

    Unpretentious, shadowing culture can grow in any soil, although prefers well permeable and fertile. The main care is reduced to systematic watering, as Astilba loves moisture. This is especially true of plants planted on open (not shaded) sites.

    Luxurious herbaceous perennial can grow in one place for at least 5 years. In addition, landing can be rejuvenated by the method of dividing the bush. Thoughtful care will prolong the life cycle of the plant and create conditions for long and lush flowering.

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