Poinsettia care subtleties: how to water the flower correctly, do you need to spray?

Poinsettia care subtleties: how to water the flower correctly, do you need to spray? 8758_1

Poinsettia cultivation in the home environment requires compliance with a number of conditions, one of which is the correct watering of the plant. The green dweller of the window sill is sharply reacting to any stressful situations dropping leaves. That is why it is important to know how often it is possible to produce at different times of the year, what kind of water to use and whether the additional spraying will be relevant.

Water regime in the homeland of plants

Motherland Poinsettia is Mexico, the climate of which is formed by the mountains and the surrounding water expanses of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Natural habitats of the Christmas star are located in deciduous rainforests located on the coast.

From May to October in the country lasts the rainy season bringing a huge amount of precipitation. Uneven irrigation during the year made their own adjustments to the water regime of the plant. In the rainy season, Poansettia is saturated by moisture.

Next, the period of active flowering occurs, upon completion of which the plant goes into the state of rest.


Bookmark and dissolving kidney plants require significant water resources.

How to moisturize the flower at home?

Poinsettia care subtleties: how to water the flower correctly, do you need to spray? 8758_2
How often do it?

In the spring, summer and autumn, the Bethlehem star needs very abundant irrigation. It is necessary to carry out it with water room temperature for about 2 times a week. The liquid must moisten the entire earth com in the flower pot. After 20 minutes after watering, remove excess water from the pallet.


. The following fluid introduction is made no earlier than the upper soil layer will dry out from the previous procedure.

It is impossible to allow complete drying of the soil in any way, it is fraught with the fact that Puancetia will lose all its green mass. If it was noted that the leaves of a decorative plant in the interruptions between irrigation began to lose the tour, it is necessary to urgently make an additional procedure with a small amount of fluid, and after returning to irrigation in normal mode in the allotted time.

In the summer, it is better to water more often, but moderately so that the water is delayed in the soil for a while.

In winter, with the arrival of the period of active flowering, there will be enough pairs of irregularities per month. But at the stage of rest, which will come immediately at the end of the fence of petals, poinsettia can be practically not water. This period will last about one and a half months.

What water to use for watering?
Poinsettia care subtleties: how to water the flower correctly, do you need to spray? 8758_3

Watering water for the decorative plant should be soft, estimated and a bit warmer than the environment, approximately 3 degrees. The use of cold liquid Poinsettius will answer foliage. The roots can also bend at all.


Especially strictly observe the correct temperature of the watering water in winter.

Watering methods

The most affordable method of watering is to introduce fluid into the rolling zone. An ideal flower tool will be a small watering can with a dissection nozzle. If it is necessary to leave the plant at home for a long time without the possibility of regular irrigation, then it is permissible to use other ways to maintain the humidity of the soil.

Alternative irrigation methods:

  1. The flower pot without pallet is lowered into a more roomy tank, filling it with pre-water. The roots of the Christmas star will eat moisture through drainage holes.
  2. Fitila watering. For this, the natural material is collapsed from the natural material, which is passed through the drainage hole inside the pot. And its second end is lowered into a container with liquid.
  3. Also permissible to use automatic drip irrigation systems. With them, the water is slowly, drops behind the drop, served directly to the roots of plants.

Is it possible to spray?

Poinsettia care subtleties: how to water the flower correctly, do you need to spray? 8758_4

Late in the spring and summer Puancettiat, growing at home, it is difficult to cope with excessive dry air, which prevails in closed rooms. That is why it is very important to maintain a consistently high humidity. This goal is usually achieved using special moisturizers, or by regular spraying from the sprayer. For this procedure, a soft filtered or dilated warm water is necessary.

A resident of the tropical forests Puancettius will be a good response to the timely and moderate moisturizing of the soil. This feature of the plant was able to achieve experienced flowerflowers by breeding work. In many ways, the characteristics of the Watering of the Christmas Star are similar to the water regime in her homeland.

In addition to watering, it is necessary to perform a spraying of the flower in the dry time of the year. You can also wipe it with a damp cloth.

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