What is "our children"?

What is

First of all, "our children" are people. Parents, grandmothers and grandparents, these are teachers and grown children ...

There is a popular test: Imagine that you are traveling in an elevator with a potential investor, and you have only one minute to interest it in your project: figures, indicators, bright idea, special "chip". Now imagine that for the same moment you need to tell about your child. What do you say?

I learned to read three years old, folds Rubik's Cube for 30 seconds, won the biology at the Olympics ... But is your child? How to describe the words in the cheeks when he smiles? Sense of humor. Sweet smell and pink heels. And even wisdom, empathy and ability to support. Fantasy. Or then the feeling when he is already a meter ninety, and it was you buried into his chest, and not the opposite ...

When you try to tell about the project "Our children", a similar feeling arises. After all, this project is not information, information, experts or knowledge. Not numbers and indicators. Not the number of published texts and photos. Although it is also ...

But still, first of all, "our children" are people. Parents, grandparents, this is a teacher and grown children. And we are all so different that sometimes it becomes not clear how we all get along in one space. After all, we believe in different things, we live differently in each of us our character, life experience and, of course, look at the upbringing. How is it possible?

The answer suggests itself. All unite us one - the love of our children. The desire to make them happy. The desire to be good parents. Or dreams of children and family, about honest, respectful relations in which we can remain ourselves.

We all doubt and looking for answers to your questions. Or strive to share discoveries and knowledge. We want to tell about their love and admiration for children. It is from these feelings, emotions and doubts that the project "Our children" is born and growing.

We do not adhere to a certain ideology, do not carry "the light of knowledge in the mass", do not teach others to be the right parents, do not bring up and do not criticize. Rather, we are working on yourself, learn to respect yourself and others. We strive to create a space where any voice can be heard.

Of course, on the project "Our Children" there are certain rules and limitations. We are against violence in any form and never publish texts where physical punishments, humiliation of another person or disrespect for it are justified. And we do not love mentor tone and condemnation.

The child to raise is art, work, long journey and a huge part of the life of parents. There is no only right road or one correct solution. This is a permanent process during which children change and we ourselves.

And it is very important to learn to listen to yourself and your children. Take the fact that the world around does not always meet our expectations. That the best friends can be different from your approach to upbringing. What you should not fight because of the nipples, feeding or home learning. And that even with his beloved mom sometimes it is difficult to find a common language.

So with the texts on the project "Our Children". Joint sleep or a separate bed, breastfeeding or artificial, nursery or decret to three years. All this is just a reason to exchange looks, find out what others think and make their own decision, and not a reason for the conflict. Each mother and every dad has the right to their own opinion and the opportunity to express it.

We publish stories about maternal burnout, because it is not just an emotional surge of one person, but also the opportunity to think about the problem for those who have not encountered it. The chance to assist a person who may suffer next to you.

A note on how the child learned to speak two languages ​​is not only a chance for Mom to express his pride (although what's wrong with that?), But also the exchange of experience, ideas for those who are perhaps they are looking for them.

We raise complex topics and talk about domestic violence, the role and rights of a woman in society, about divorce and alimony. Because it is also part of our life. These are the problems faced by many. And they are the sad part of the childhood of many kids. Talk about such problems, to realize that they exist - the first step towards their decision.

"Our children" - a place where you can express and not be afraid that your story is too insignificant. The place where hundreds of thousands of people read it, despite the fact that you are not a journalist, not a writer and not a blogger with a huge audience. A place where you can find answers to questions and get support.

And we will not be tired of thank you for being with us. For finding courage to write and talk about yourself. Do not be afraid to be yourself. Doubt and looking together with us. Make our project alive and present.

We can read at www.nashideeti.site, as well as on our pages on Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Viber, on the Yandex Zen Canal.

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