Evening Novostroy.su: Putin demands to reduce the bet on the preferential mortgage even stronger, the Foundation solved the fate of 6 thousand deceived Leningrad Rollers, in the "Metro" told about new metro stations


The fate of the preferential mortgage can decide until March 31. Putin instructed to put an end to the problem of deceived shareholders in the "Squeezed Data". And in the "Metrostroy" they described how they plan not to reduce the pace of construction of the St. Petersburg subway. Read about it and other news in the digest of February 15.

When the bottom is already breaking. Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet and the Central Bank until March 31 to work out proposals for preferential mortgage until 2024, considered the decline in the rate for families with two and more children, RIA Real Estate reports with reference to the Kremlin.

New attempt. Vladimir Putin instructed the government to consider the allocation of additional funds to solve problems of deceived shareholders "in more compressed deadlines." The instruction text appeared on the official website of the Kremlin.

Mary-Misit and no longer touch. The Federal Fund for the Protection of Rightphans and the authorities of the Leningrad Region finally came to a new agreement to co-finance events aimed at restoring the rights of 6 thousand shareholders of 51 distressed home in the region. The situation aggravated to the scandal in September 2020, when the fund unilaterally changed the rules of financing and with the Leningrad region began to demand twice as much money from the budget.

The new document implies an increase in two indicators: houses (their number increased by 13 problem objects and now amounts to 51 houses) and citizens (the rights of another 2.7 thousand shareholders will be restored, in the aggregate, this figure has increased to 6 thousand citizens).

As noted in the Construction Committee of the Government of the Region, the list included long-term: LCD "Anninsky Park", LCD "Italian Quarter", LCD "Treidiewyckino Kingdom", LCD "Bright".

Smolny shares. Updated land use and development rules (PZZ) were sent for the approval of the Government of St. Petersburg, despite the objections of the deputies, reported in NSP. Opinions they cause controversial. At least, according to that, experts are noted that most amendments proposed by residents, deputies and developers are adopted or rejected "without explaining the reasons." More than 1,000 applications were considered for one meeting. For this purpose, a "batch" voting was used, and the arguments officials promised to provide in writing. However, they did not wait. It is difficult to be a bureaucrat.

Subway news. The Metrostroy told about the degree of readiness of new stations. So, according to, "Nevsky News", the main designs of the station "Mountain Institute" are ready. "Putilovskaya" and "South-Western" began to build relatively recently, so they are in the initial stages.

"It is now important to increase the pace of construction, leading work non-stop. In the coming year or two will already be connected to the work of specialists who pave paths, installers. At the same time, mining and capital operations on both lines are driven by distillation tunnels. Between "Theatrical" and "Spasskaya" still have to build a plot. The stations themselves are also actively elected, "the company noted.

Evening Novostroy.su: Putin demands to reduce the bet on the preferential mortgage even stronger, the Foundation solved the fate of 6 thousand deceived Leningrad Rollers, in the
Putin demands to reduce the bet on the preferential mortgage even stronger, but not for everyone

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