Twisted leaves in an apple tree and pears: what the reasons for the illness and how to deal with it


    Good afternoon, my reader. The only way to notice the problems in the garden on time is to regularly inspect it from the beginning of the spring and until late autumn. One of the troubles is twisting and yellowing of the leaves on seed trees. This is quite a frequent phenomenon, so it is necessary to determine its reasons as soon as possible, so as not to aggravate the situation with improper treatment and processing.

    Twisted leaves in an apple tree and pears: what the reasons for the illness and how to deal with it 8736_1
    Twisted leaves from apple and pears: What are the reasons for illness and how Maria Verbilkova is fighting with him

    Leaves of an apple tree. (Photo used by standard license ©

    If the soil lacks moisture or nutrients, then this can be understood by the leaves. They begin to curb on top down the crown. If you do not take action, the leaves will turn yellow and fall. But this reason is easy to eliminate.

    With feeding everything is a little more difficult: it will take more time to restore. After watering into the site around each tree, you need to make a complex of potash-phosphoric fertilizers, and after two weeks it is a crown with a solution of sodium humate.

    Leaf twisting can also be a sign of a sickness of a seed tree.

    The first gray symptom is a brown fall on the leaves. When the disease progresses, they are twisted and covered with spots. Then fall, and the disease applies to the fruit.

    Fungicides are used to combat this disease, as well as spraying by potassium fertilizers.

    White raid on the leaves means that the tree has become infected with this fungal disease. Puffy dew reduces the yield of trees almost half.

    For treating from this disease, fungicides are used. Processing is made a month before the collection of fruits, but no later. After harvesting the remains of leaves and fruits, it is necessary to burn, and the tree is to process again.

    Leaves twisted and black, black spots appear on the branches and trunk, the trees look burnt - these are signs of bacterial burn (dangerous infectious disease).

    Twisted leaves in an apple tree and pears: what the reasons for the illness and how to deal with it 8736_2
    Twisted leaves from apple and pears: What are the reasons for illness and how Maria Verbilkova is fighting with him

    Diseases of leaves. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Fighting with bacterial burns need to start immediately. First cut the affected branches, and cuts to handle with an antiseptic. Next use antibiotics: all trees need to spray them.

    This viral disease almost always leads to the death of a tree. It is manifested by deformation of sheet plates and tree trunk, unnatural painting fruit. Bright spots appear on the leaves, and young shoots do not grow.

    In this case, the tree cannot be saved, so you should not wait for other plants in the garden. It is necessary to emerge as quickly as possible an infected tree, destroy the remnants and conduct the definition of the soil.

    Another reason for twisting the leaves is the malicious activity of insect pests.

    This pest sucks juices in the plant, which leads to the deformation of the leaves. Also, the wave transfers many diseases, deadly for young or weak seed trees.

    Twisted leaves in an apple tree and pears: what the reasons for the illness and how to deal with it 8736_3
    Twisted leaves from apple and pears: What are the reasons for illness and how Maria Verbilkova is fighting with him

    Aphid. (Photo used by standard license ©

    If the harvest is not planned this season, then it is better to get rid of the help with the help of special preparations. But if there are already fruits or twins on the tree, then you can do folk remedies.

    The location of these pests can be determined on bright red swollen and folds on the sheet plates. With a strong damage, the leaves die off, and spots appear on the fruits.

    Methods of combating red-challenge tools Standard: biological preparations, chemical fungicides and folk remedies.

    Lapticket caterpillars produce their poison in the leaves. After that, they turn into the tube, black and fall. If you do not take action on time, the tree will remain completely naked, and, accordingly, without fruits. In the worst case will die at all.

    Twisted leaves in an apple tree and pears: what the reasons for the illness and how to deal with it 8736_4
    Twisted leaves from apple and pears: What are the reasons for illness and how Maria Verbilkova is fighting with him

    Lapticket. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Having studied these reasons, even a novice gardener will be able to determine what caused the leaf twisting of apple and pears, and therefore quickly help the trees.

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