5 ways to launder toys for swimming

5 ways to launder toys for swimming 8702_1

Dangerous microorganisms were attached to them!

It may seem that rubber clarops and other toys with which the child is played in the bath is not necessarily. They are and so every day are in soapy water. But studies have shown that these toys are an ideal environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. In the toys who explored scientists, they discovered mold and biofilms of bacteria.

Any toy for the bath can become a plareman.

Every day (or once a few days) is wetted in water, and then leave in a warm and wet bath. Rarely someone thoroughly rubs these toys (after swimming, first of all you need to do a child), and the water does not always merge.

Usually these microorganisms are not as dangerous for children. But if a child has problems with immunity, they can cause asthma and pulmonary infections. Therefore, it is important to wash toys regularly. Checked methods will help to get rid of mold.

Fill the bleach

Divide the bleach with water in a ratio of 1:10 and wash this toy solution. You need to wash outside, but it is more important to clean them inside. To do this, fill the toys with a bleach. Then be sure to drain the solution so that the child does not accidentally swallow it during the next bathing. Better after cleaning, rinse the toy with ordinary water and give it to dry.

Soak in vinegar

Dislike bleach? There are several reasonable reasons for this. You need to handle it very carefully: do not inhale and watch him so that he does not get into the eyes. Because of it, some toys lose brightness. And if you do not rinse the toy after its use, the child risks swallow the remnants of the bleach.

So instead you can take vinegar. Mix one piece of vinegar and two parts of the water, fill with a solution toy. Vinegar is slightly less effective than bleach, so it is better to leave a toy with a solution for a few minutes. And then also be sure to rinse.

Load in dishwasher

If you have a dishwasher, it will definitely cope with the wash toys are not worse than you. And you will save some time and strength. Just put toys into the top basket of the dishwasher and turn on the most powerful mode in which the water heats up the strongest. That's all, clean toys.

Do not have to fasten them additionally and dry. But it is better to read in more detail the instructions for your dishwasher or toys themselves, because not everyone can be cleaned in this way.


Boil toys in a big saucepan. This method is suitable for rigid plastic toys or PVC. Bring water to a boil and carefully (and not like dumplings) Place the toys into the water. For complete safety, shift them into the water with kitchen tongs.

Boil toys for a few minutes, then get them out (it's also convenient to do it with forceps) and put on the towel to dry. So toys are clearly cleaned inside.

Wipe with wet napkins

If water does not fall inside your toys, you need to clean them anyway. Only for this you do not have to prepare any solutions. It is quite thoroughly rinse them outside. Or wipe with wet napkins.

Wipe each part of the toy and dried before the next bathing. So you will prevent the appearance of mold and save the toys perfectly clean.

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