16 comic facts about films that are as funny as ridiculous


Despite the fact that there are a lot of interesting facts on the Internet, some prefer to invent their own. Why are they doing that? Well, of course, for laughter! A group in Facebook called Shittier Movie Details lays out fake facts about films and cartoons, making it as intense as possible. By and large, it's just jokes about movies, fitted under the format of the facts. We have collected for you 16 of such "facts" about films that are as ridiculous as ridiculous, and they are all waiting for you.

In the film "Spiderman: away from home" (2019) Jake Jillenhol can be seen in the background of several scenes. It should not have been there, and later he admitted that he just likes to pursue Tom Holland

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The film "Lincoln" (2012) collected more than $ 275 million in cinemas, which is very ironic, since Lincoln itself has always been not very with theaters

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Abraham Lincoln was shot headed in the theater.

The producers of the film "Cats" (2019) had to hire Hollywood actors, since the real cats refused to remove it, not wanting them to be then associated with the film

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At the request of his friend James Franco, Duane "Rock" Johnson appeared in the titles of the film "127 hours" (2010) as the main antagonist

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In the series "Queen's move" (2020), people are shown smiling or laughing during the game in chess, which is extremely inaccurate presentation of the usual experience in chess game

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Pixar often teaserize their future projects in cartoons. For example, here, in the cartoon "Superfame" (2004), you can see references to the cartoon "cars" at that time (2006)

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The film "The Fifth Feeling", preques to the "sixth sense" (1999), was canceled after M. Knita Syamalan explained that the ability to feel the smell of a dead person is not something special

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For the movie "Time" (2011) Justin Timberlake specially learned to play

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Harry Melling again had to grow up his arms and legs, which he cut off for the filming of the film "Ballad on Scraggs Ballad" (2018), because they were needed to play chess in the series "Queen's Structure" (2020).

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For the film "Godzilla vs. Kong" (2021), Christian Bale trained for 4 hours a day 7 days a week and adhered to a strict diet from chicken, broccoli and rice to gain 5,000 tons of muscles before the director told him that he was not in the film

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The actor Christian Bale is known for fundamental changes, which undergoes his body for the sake of filming. For example, for the film "Machinist" (2004), he dropped 28.5 kg, and for the role of Batman in "Batman: the beginning" (2005), he had a total of almost 40 kg of muscles.

Against the film "Do not breathe" (2016) was launched an online campaign after thousands of spectators died, trying to delay their breath throughout the film

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Quentin Tarantino was forced to abandon his plans for shooting the third part of "kill Bill" after the mind Tourman killed Bill at the end of "kill Bill 2" (2006), contrary to his advice. However, he announced his plans for the new side franchise "Kill Bill. And what should we do now? "

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In the film "Dark Knight" (2008) Hit Ledger calls Maggie Gillenhol beautiful. This is a subtle reference to the Gorbate Mountain (2005), where Hit also finds her beautiful brother Jake

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Directed by Sam Rami confirmed that the average age of high school students Peter Parker in the film "Spiderman" (2002) is 32 years

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Marvel loves to add to his films what is called "Easter eggs". However, if you carefully look at, then you can see that there are almost never eggs there, and it is almost never connected with Easter

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Martin Ferrero, an American actor of Italian origin, dies after the bite of the tyrantosaurus of Rex in the film "The Park of the Jurassic Period" (1993). It is known that the Italians are especially vulnerable to body rupture in half

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Do not miss also 16 curious facts about the cartoons and Disney characters, which you most likely did not know.

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