"This is a catastrophe, we will lose Zybitsky, we will lose the entire center." Many institutions can prohibit work after 23:00


In recent years, we wrote a lot about the flourishing sphere of catering, which became richer, more diverse and richer every day. But in the 2020th everything changed: many institutions closed, another part remains at risk. Now the owners of the cafe, bars and restaurants may have another problem: the Association of Restaurants received a draft resolution of the Council, who can hit some businessmen. The document states that establishments working in residential buildings or hostels and alcohol selling can prohibit work after 23:00.

- We write your opinion and ask for public discussion. Now I never need help you all. Most likely, we will write a letter with signatures of all members of the Association, therefore, if possible, inform friends and colleagues: the more we will, the more chances. Ask you to enter us the maximum number of entrepreneurs. We will not take any contributions, we will not make any conditions. If we lose, 90% of restaurants and bars will not be able to work after 23:00, they wrote representatives of the Association of Restaurants.

For a comment, we turned to a member of the Association of Restaurants, a businessman Evgeny Vasilyev. He believes that the adoption of such a law will kill not only many bars and restaurants, but also the tourist potential of Minsk and many other cities.

- The problem is not that the peers will close in the area. The problem is that the entire prospectus of independence is residential buildings. Komsomolskaya, Revolutionary, Marx, International, Soviet street in Brest, Grodno Center - all residential buildings. Residential neighborhoods, like "Mayak Minsk" or "Minsk World" - this is also residential buildings. We have 80% of the institutions in residential buildings. And it will not be forbidden to sell alcohol, they will be prohibited to work after eleven, if there is alcohol or just beer in the menu. And it concerns this not only catering facilities, but also trade.

Previously, you came to the police and coordinate the work mode there. If there is an alarm button and cameras, you have given permission. Now the entrepreneur goes to the city executive committee who writes a letter to the local police department with the question, whether there is a risk of improving the criminogenic situation in connection with the opening of a cafe / bar / restaurant with alcohol in the menu. Obviously, no leader can say that there is no risk.

We have a few people go to the cafe every day. But the people celebrate birthdays, holidays. What kind of people do we finish the holiday at 23:00? But we need to think wider and understand that people do not go to Paris not behind the Eiffel Tower, but for the atmosphere, which would not be without cozy cafes. With our cities, the same story is the murder of tourist potential. This is a catastrophe, we will lose Zybitsky, we will lose the entire center.

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