Google has released a beta Android 12. What's new and how to install


On the night of 18 to February 19, Google has released the first assembly of developer Preview Android updates 12. The start of the update was not so unexpected, since two weeks earlier Google updated the Beta Feedback application, which testers are used to send progress about the progress of beta testing of the OS. This is a closed beta version, access to which only developers can officially receive. Thus, Google gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with the features of the OS and prepare their applications for its release. However, something new there is still there.

Google has released a beta Android 12. What's new and how to install 8679_1
Google released the first beta assembly of Android 12 for developers

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The first thing is noticeable immediately, is the design. Google really conducted a redesign interface, replacing Material Design 2.0 on Material Next. To say that this is a new concept, it is impossible. I would call it more transitive, because at least Google redraws some elements of the design, she did not change them in a dramatic way, and they still guess the familiar version of the STILICS.

New Android 12 functions 12

Google has released a beta Android 12. What's new and how to install 8679_2
Android 12 received redesign interface

But from a functional point of view, the update turned out to be truly rich. But this is only the first beta, and even that - for developers.

  • Reducing colors saturation - allows you to muffle colors on the display if they seem to you too bright and saturated;
  • Screen Time-Out - is needed for short-term disabling all the functions of the smartphone, for example, if required on something to focus;
  • The redemption for external controllers - transmits vibration at critical moments of the game from a smartphone to the PS or Xbox controller;
  • The camera indicator and microphone - begins to flash green or orange when audio or photo and video confixation is underway (including in the background);
  • Support for dual presses on the power key - allows you to screenshots or quickly call Google Assistant (While inactive);
  • Screenshots screenshots - allows you to make the screenshot of the entire web page entirely or chat (up to the limits selected by yourself);
Google has released a beta Android 12. What's new and how to install 8679_3
In Android 12, the function of spilled screenshots appeared
  • The ability to send Wi-Fi password - To do this, use Nearby Sharing wireless data transmission technology;
  • Improved notifications - now you can easily "ignify" alert, delete it or go to the settings;
  • 2.0 - Google widgets expanded their application by changing the design and allowing you to create thumbnails of current tasks, such as dialogues in messenger, etc.;
  • Application protection - With the Android 12 output, you can install passwords on individual applications at your own way;
  • Compact mode - users of large smartphones will have the opportunity to pull the interface to the bottom of the screen, reducing its items for ease of use.

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While this is all innovations that managed to detect to this time. Among them there is no much of what we told you earlier. But it is absolutely normal. The fact is that Google introduces many functions gradually - after all, it is only the first beta assembly. But even among those innovations that they have already appeared in Android 12, some simply do not work. Google either did not include them intentionally not to complicate the task of the corrections of possible bugs, or simply made a mistake, and it will be fixed later.

How to install Android 12

For many users of smartphones based on custom Android 12 innovation shells, it is unlikely to be revealed. Screenshots, application blocking, Normal notifications with settings and compact screen mode - All this has long been available in One UI, Emui, Miui, Oxygenos and other firmware that are installed on modern smartphones. Why Google did not think of realizing the same thing earlier - a real mystery.

Google has released a beta Android 12. What's new and how to install 8679_4
All Android 12 innovations have already been implemented in custom firmware

As for the installation of Android 12, there are a number of difficulties here. First, just to take and download the update, if you do not have Google Pixel, it will not work. Still, this update of stock operations, which is incompatible with other devices, and it requires a special adaptation. And, secondly, even if you have Pixel, you will need to tinker with ADB to install Android 12. If you do not know what it is, it is better not to try to figure out how work with this thing can turn your smartphone into the most real brick.

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If you do not wait to try the innovations of Android 12, then for a start I can recommend you more closely to study the shell of your own smartphone. I am more than sure that there are already all these functions, and even more. Well, if you just like to be updated, then you have to suffer at best until summer. It was then that Google will hold a Google I / O conference, which will submit an update officially and give the start of the open beta test program. Then it will be left to wait for the manufacturer of your smartphone to release an adapted assembly, and you can update.

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