Rooms for kitchen

Houseplants for kitchen Domadeal

In this article we will discuss decoratively deciduous and blooming houseplants that will perfectly fit into the interior of any kitchen!

What is the different kitchen from other rooms? The kitchen constantly opens a window for airing, high temperature and humidity, over a windowsill dryly.

Whatever it was unpretentious to care a plant, there are several rules where the pot with a plant is contraindicated:

1. The pot with a plant should not be near the stove, it is fraught with an increased temperature, burn in a plant, can be hooed and tipped up a pot in a hurry when cooking food.

2. Near the shell: constant getting droplets of water on the flower causes rotting, splashes from chemical products for washing dishes will harm the plant (if you, of course, is not combined with sink and window sill, now so fashionable).

3. Do not place a pot in too high (on a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator). Firstly, hard-to-reach watering, secondly, constantly elevated temperature - everyone knows that warm air rises upstairs.

4. In the kitchen, we often open a window for venting, not all plants like it!

I prepared a small selection of indoor plants for the kitchen.


The first thing that comes to mind is chlorophytum. This plant is a natural air purifier. Chlorophytum absorbs harmful substances formed by the included gas stove, frying or smoking. Everything else, chlorophytum quickly grow up and easy to care.Kalanchoe, Aloe, Sansevieria

Kalanchoe, Aloe, Sanseseieria - Succulents, perfectly suitable for the kitchen conditions! These indoor plants have proven well on the windowsill under the battery.

Since ancient times, aloe and calangean are known for their useful properties used to treat and prevent diseases. These succulents neutralize formaldehyde and benzene, absorb carbon dioxide. Moderate window ventilation in the winter period will not harm them.


Room sharp pennants perfectly fit and complement the interior of the kitchen! To all, no guest will not be indifferent, seeing such splendor.

Geranium (Pelagronia)

Geran, she is also pelargonium, one of the most common houseplants of our country. His aroma geranium will fill the kitchen, but in return will require quite frequent irrigation.

Bamboo (Sander DRATSEN)

Room bamboo - non-standard plant. However, the bamboo will be decorated with a kitchen.


Philodendron - rare on modern standards indoor plant. It is believed that Philodendron is one of the most effective air purifiers. Phyloentron neutralizes harmful impurities from the gas stove and radiation. This plants will have to regularly moisten the sprayer or wipe off with a damp cloth.

Thanks for attention!

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