Berdimuhamedov launched six modern greenhouses in Turkmenistan


Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the modern greenhouse complex, erected in the Kaachkinsky etrap of the Akhal velayat and replenished the production infrastructure of the domestic apk. Through the digital system, the head of state launched the commissioning of another five new greenhouses built in the regions of the country, the State Information Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

The helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan landed at a special platform near the greenhouse complex built by a member of the SPPT - Oguz ýol's economic society on the territory of the Daikhansky association named after G.Atabayev.

Berdimuhamedov launched six modern greenhouses in Turkmenistan 86_1

Berdimuhamedov launched six modern greenhouses in Turkmenistan 86_2

Cuts in a solemn atmosphere on the territory of a complex intended for the cultivation of tomatoes, as well as other types of vegetables, a symbolic tape, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov appealed to the gathered speech.

"Today we solemnly open and put into operation at once six equipped with modern greenhouse technologies in velayats, where vegetable products will be grown," Berdimuhamedov said.

These profile objects were built in Kaachkinsky etrap and Etrap Ak Bugdat Akhal velayat, in the city of Turkmenbashi Balkan velayat, in Etrape Görogloga Dashoguz Velayat, Charges Etrape Lebap Velayat and the Sacarcaginsky Etrape of the Maria Velayat. Their total area is 35 hectares.

The greenhouses built by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country and equipped with the latest technologies and water-saving systems were designed for the production of 8 thousand 750 tons of vegetable products per year. With their commissioning, about 400 new jobs are created, the leader of the nation said.

In continuation of the topic, the head of state stressed that software measures aimed at strengthening food security, improving reforms in agriculture, on the organization of work in this direction with modern methods, widespread engaged in the industry of private producers for which special land funds are systematically created for cultivation of crops.

As you know, the APC is one of the leading sectors of the national economy.

In this regard, the state leads to a great job to attract major investment in the development of agriculture, a systematic strengthening of its material and technical base, an increase in the share of private commodity producers and the creation of modern industries, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The most favorable conditions are created for agricultural producers, they are assisted in the acquisition of high-performance equipment and tools of world-famous brands, new equipment for enterprises, advanced experience and technology are widely implemented. Large importance is also attached to their financial support. To this end, privileged bank loans are provided to private agricultural producers.

The implementation of these measures contributes to the fact that representatives of domestic business working in the agro-industrial complex provide abundance of food, including vegetable-bug, fruit and other products, constantly increasing production volumes. This causes good opportunities for the construction of modern greenhouses, strengthening food abundance, the development of market relations and entrepreneurship, the growth of the production of export-oriented products, stressed the leader of the nation.

Due to the state-generated conditions, the private sector expands its presence in the sectors of the national economy. Thanks to the systematic construction and opening of enterprises, the range and volumes of products posted in the domestic and foreign markets increase.

Effectively using state support, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs built and put into operation a greenhouse on an area over 400 hectares. Thus, currently decreased volumes of imports of vegetables from abroad, the head of Turkmenistan stated.

"Last year, SPPT members were raised and exported to the foreign markets of 37 thousand 750 tons of tomatoes, which is 70 percent more than in the previous year. In two months of this year, 16 thousand tons of fresh tomatoes were sent to other countries, "Berdimuhamedov said.

Thus, our private entrepreneurs, having mastered modern methods of foreign trade relations, systematically increasing trade and economic relations, acquiring new partners entering new markets. This has become a powerful impulse to increase the number of production, mastering investment agents and creating new capacities.

As the leader of the nation emphasized, among the main tasks of the country's socio-economic development program for 2019-2025, the disclosure of the economy on a fundamentally new level of growth, ensuring that the quality of life of citizens, the level of developed states of the world, as well as a significant increase in the potential of human capital.

The head of state noted that the provision of food security and sustainable development of agriculture is currently one of the most important tasks.

In a number of key goals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov identified the full use of the productive forces and industrial facilities of the regions.

Then the head of state in a solemn atmosphere through a digital system gave the commissioning of greenhouse complexes built by members of the SPPT in all five velayats of the country. Here with the involvement of better experience, modern methods and technologies of greenhouse production will grow vegetable crops, mainly tomatoes of promising varieties that are distinguished by excellent taste.

The first in direct link is the Etrap AK Bugdai Akhal Velayat, where the greenhouse built on the territory of the Daichansky association named after Makhtumkuli, erected Ho "Daş Demir".

Next, the city of Turkmenbashi Balkan velayat is connected to the telemetry, where a similar object is built. The project was implemented by an entrepreneur S. Nazlyyev.

The next to the communication on the digital system is the Etrap Görogloga of the Dashoguz velayat, which offers a modern greenhouse, erected by the individual enterprise "Altyn Gala Gurluşyk".

Then another large greenhouse complex appears on the screen, built on the territory of the Daikhansky association "Watan" in the Charges Etrape of Lebap Velayat. The project is implemented by IP "Altyn Bürgüt".

Further, the Sacarcaginsky Etrap of the Maria Velayat is coming out, where, on the territory of the Daikhansky association "Akýap" there is a profile object, built by the individual enterprise "Mähriban Obam".

The six greenhouse complexes in all indicators introduced today, including technological equipment, meet international standards. They created all the possibilities for the production of vegetable products, which will be implemented in the domestic and foreign markets.

For the construction of agrocompleks, modern materials with high thermal insulating and operational properties and responding to such an important criterion as environmental friendliness were used. Specialized equipment from leading European and other foreign manufacturers allows automatic mode to carry out appropriate agrotechnical measures.

Technological processes, including maintaining a certain temperature and light regime, air humidity, soil enrichment with nutrients, irrigation through water-saving systems, etc., are controlled using computer programs. All this provides high yield with hectare and creates optimal conditions for year-round production in industrial volumes of vitamin products of excellent quality. For its proper storage, storage facilities equipped with refrigerator installations are provided.

The President of Turkmenistan followed the Greenhouse, where he got acquainted with an expulled large-scale exposition, in which a wide range of products produced by entrepreneurs and private manufacturers of the country specializing in the spheres of the APK, the food and processing industry was presented.

Here, various types of vegetables, fruits and fruits, grain crops, dairy, meat, confectionery, canned products, dried fruits, pickles, juices, soft drinks, etc. were shown in the originally decorated pavilions and stands.

As the founder of the Economic Society "ýigit" told, in a greenhouse, more than 34 hectares are grown by 15 varieties of tomatoes and employs 450 employees. Most of the products manufactured are export. Its high quality and environmental purity determine the increase in customer demand.

Managing the production process in the greenhouse from Seva, growing agricultural curtulines and care, to the organization of workers' organization, is carried out on a digital platform. Information on temperature and humidity indicators, yields, harvest timing, loading of finished products to vehicles, its supply to domestic and foreign markets, on storage conditions during transportation and distribution online enters a centralized control system.

In this context, the situation in foreign markets and their prospects in terms of product sales at competitive prices are also described in detail. Ultimately, this ensures efficient operation of the greenhouse complex and increase its profitability.

Stressing the importance of digitalization of production management processes, the revitalization of the steps taken in this area, the President of Turkmenistan said that due to the introduction of digital systems and technologies in the activity of the greenhouses, it is necessary to establish online communications between the agricultural production of the country, to form in the union of industrialists and entrepreneurs a centralized database for greenhouse farms, and wished an entrepreneur success in work.

The exhibition also presents samples of various types of packages that meet international standards both from the point of view of the safety of products and taking into account the environmental aspect.

After examining the Tomatoes of various varieties presented at the exhibition, the head of state noted the need for the active use of scientific achievements to ensure high quality of the product and improving its nutritional properties.

Samples of the poultry industry products demonstrated the Daikhan economy "Nurly Meýdan". For the first time in our country, it was implemented a project on incubation poultry industry. This project allows for industrial level the production of broiler bird and egg meat, using profile technologies. In the Etrap, the Balkan Velayat Especially mastered the production of feed for livestock previously imported from abroad.

After reviewing the presented products, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reiterated the need to pay special attention to the diversification of the export deliveries of domestic goods, as well as an active study of international logistics and marketing opportunities, giving relevant leaders of the order.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov familiarized himself with the work of the greenhouse complex, built by Ho Oguz Ovol, in detail in detail of his head with equipment, technologies and specifics of production, varieties of grown tomatoes and other vegetable crops, such indicators such as yield, dates of ripening, taste. All manufacturing processes are automated and computerized here.

Having completed familiarization with the greenhouse complex, the head of state started the beginning of the collection of tomato-grown yields grown here and, wishing success in the further development of production, handed the leader of the complex the keys from the new agricultural machinery - the tractor of the world-famous brand John Deere.

On this day, the same tractors on behalf of the Turkmen leader were also transferred to the leaders of the greenhouses opened in other velayats.

Today, car transportation with a cargo of products grown in new greenhouses, commissioned in five velayats of the country, went on the routes of deliveries of this product to domestic and foreign consumers.

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