18 children's trim, which will exclaim: "Yes, it is brilliant!"


Thinking children often amazes adults with their originality, because the kids are not yet subject to stereotypes. Approximately the same thing happens with children's creativity. After all, who else can draw turkey in a suderman costume? Only a 5-year-old girl.

In the editorial office of ADME.ru many parents, so we are always happy to study the pranksters of babies and willingly share them with you.

"My daughter snapped my sandals in my work boots so that she could wear them and" be as dad ""

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© BrainVirus / Reddit

"My girl's nephew decided to repair the book, cutting out of some poster of the eye and sticking them to the place of lost"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Milky.Noway / Pikabu

"I ask to love and complain - forest neighbors!"

"I had to go and buy! True, "Chanel" is too early to her - found perfume in age "

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© SheLa262 / Pikabu

"My daughter drew me a birthday card"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© HasanaHmad / Reddit

"40? I need to recalculate! "

"7-year-old girls know very well how to hit you in a sick place"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Tank5209 / Reddit

"Dear daddy! Now you are closer to death for a year. Happy Birthday! Love. "

"This is my home task of my four. "I didn't even have to think," she said "

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© niceish1 / reddit

"Write a 7-digit number, in which there will be 6 tens of thousands."

"My nephew almost threatened me last night. He put his attack aircraft in the corridor next to the bathroom

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Herosnap / Reddit

"I am going past the school today, and there are such New Year's decorations"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Sobercorgi / Pikabu

"Yesterday, the son wrote a letter to Santa Claus. Well, where am I "buy"?! "

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© alexpi555 / pikabu

Goals of the third grader for school year

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Alliwantissomegluten / Reddit

"This year I plan to eat burrito, without cutting it in half."

"My dog ​​sprinkled the eyes toy, but the little sister was not upset"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Katargina / Pikabu

"My 7-year-old daughter made this photo and sent her to me"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© unkle_scooter / reddit

"I caught my son for trying to run fireworks"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© SiftShow / ImGur

"My 6-year-old boy painted an Easter egg for a competition in school"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© LilGuilf / Reddit

"My 4-year-old daughter brought home this gingerbread man from kindergarten. He has already scared me several times and my wife "

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Almostbobsaget / Reddit

Minimalism sneaked even to children's crafts from LEGO

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:

Signature to the Lego Detail in the center: "Worm".

"The first school task of my 5-year-old niece was to disguise the turkey so that she survived Thanksgiving. I imagine the result "

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Ze_Maestro / Reddit

"Here is a suit on Halloween chose my 2-year-old daughter"

18 children's trim, which will exclaim:
© Moonfetus / Reddit

How are your children ignite? Share photos and stories about their work.

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