I will not go to physical education: 7 sports for unsports

I will not go to physical education: 7 sports for unsports 8582_1

Yes, such exist

Many children consider themselves unsportsmanlike, including because of the failures at school curriculum. But not in all kinds of sports you need to run around the hall, pushing with other children and try to dial more glasses. Such team sports are not suitable for every child. But he can find another lesson to keep himself in shape.

We have collected for you several sports that may like unsportsmanlike children. And this instruction will help you even find free sections in Moscow.

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Photo: technogym.com.

If your child likes to fight with children in the courtyard on sticks, then the fencing it will accurately appreciate. This sport helps to develop coordination and strategic thinking. Yes, here the child also have to compete with other children and get upset because of lesions, but the ability to feel like this knight compensates these flaws.

Usually, children begin with six years old, but some sections are accepted before.

Irish dances
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Photo: Nytimes.com

Irish and Scottish dances will like children who appreciate accuracy and are ready to repeat the same actions to achieve an ideal result. Dancing classes will help the child to develop memory and endurance.

Many give children to dances back in three years, but in the case of Irish better wait until five years.

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Photo: Childrenofthewater.com.

Swim useful for posture, coordination and respiration, and even it's just fun. If a child does not want to engage in seriously and participate in competitions, then in the water in the water a couple of times a week he will definitely be happy.

You can go to swim at any age. In many pools, even with infants.

Rock climbing
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Photo: australiansportscamps.com.au.

This sport also increases strength and endurance. To learn, of course, will have to be on closed climbers, but one day these training will help your child to do climbing on nature. An excellent option for those who prefer the sport in the fresh air runway in the cramped halls.

Children can already have been engaged in five years, although at this age not everyone has enough perpetuity, so it is better to postpone hiking on the climbers to seven years.

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Photo: charlotteonthecheap.com

This is an excellent sport for the development of not only strength, but also a feeling of rhythm. Even if your child will not be a professional rival, then this skill is still useful to him. For example, during a family trip, you can swim together on the kayak.

Little children can cope with boats and oars will be difficult, so it is better to start classes at eight years or later.

Horseback riding
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Photo: TownandCountrymag.com.

Equestrian sport is also good for the development of balance and strength. But its main advantage is that it will suit caring children. For success, they will have not only to train a lot, but also learn to establish relationships with horses. So, if your child adores animals, but you want to captivate him with sports, then this option is ideal for you.

Just riding horses can both children under five years old, but serious sports activities are usually starting from this age.

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Photo: Flickr.com.

This sport will enjoy fans of the "Lord of the Rings", "Hungry Games", "Avengers" and heaps of other works in which someone from the main characters skillfully owns onions. In class, the child will be able to imagine himself as a favorite hero. And will still develop concentration, patience and perseverance.

This sport is especially important to comply with safety, so only children over 11 years old are usually allowed.

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