Ufa is developing a system of early warning of social disturbances

Ufa is developing a system of early warning of social disturbances 8581_1
Ufa is developing a system of early warning of social disturbances

The resulting results are reflected in the collection of Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software. The problem of monitoring social disturbances is extremely relevant, since the epidemiological situation in the country has shifted a large amount of communications and business processes to the Internet space. There was a need to develop methods and means that allow in automatic (10 percent of manual operations) or automated (10-50 percent of manual operations) to find destructive information initiatives.

Prior to this, the assessment of the psychological state of the Company was carried out by the help of questioning of the population, and also using the so-called composite index of the macropsychological state. But, as SPEF experts noted, in the changed conditions during rapid digitalization, these methods are not enough.

According to experts, the problem of automatic identification of social disturbances, at least bilateral. First, it is necessary to form a complex of verbal and non-verbal signs characterizing such initiatives in the information space. Secondly, since we are talking about working with "big data", the development of new methods and means for processing and analyzing such information volumes in conditions of limited computing resources is necessary.

"In the framework of the project, work is currently being carried out related to the formation of a set of features characteristic of the Internet, which can be automatically or allowed to conduct an analysis," said Senior Researcher of the Research Institute of MVS South Afu, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Anna Klimenko.

Thus, today the tendency has a tendency to have the potential of antisocial behavior among false pseudonyms (Fake Accounts). A complex of non-verbal signs of socio-dangerous illegal behavior, which can be used when analyzing video or static images. Cognitive cards have been developed that allow by impulse modeling to evaluate the psycho-emotional state of the person.

The cognitive card is a graph by which you can describe causal relationships between system objects. As a rule, cognitive cards are used to build economic, environmental and social forecasts. In this case, the cognitive card is necessary as a classifier, reflecting multiple links between non-verbal signs and an emotional state of an individual.

Within the framework of the grant, studies of the efficiency of displacement of the computer load of Internet content to the edge of the network, or in the "foggy layer", as well as the introduction of a distributed registry technologies in order to reduce the resource consumption of information processes. The edge of the network is, as a rule, custom devices, gadgets, computers. The foggy layer can be represented by a number of final devices and communication equipment.

Distributed Ledger Technologies (Distributed Ledger Technologies) are agreed replicated data distributed geographically. Coordination of data on replicas is achieved by reaching consensus. In particular, studies are conducted in the UFF from the point of view of using various methods to achieve consensus in the field of distributed computing management.

"The methods of achieving consensus, in particular, with distributed leadership and completely decentralized are of particular interest in this area. Theoretical estimates of these methods show their high efficiency when used in the management of distributed calculations - both from the point of view of the reaction rate to external influences, and from the point of view of the amount of information, "said Anna Klimenko.

Further studies within the framework of the grant will be directed to the systematization of the results obtained, compiling ontologies and the formation of a general methodology for building automated systems for early warning social disturbances. The term "non-verbal signs" originates in the concept of "non-verbal communication" or, in other words "body language." That is, these are those gestures, poses, facial expressions that we use consciously - or vice versa, unconsciously, and which are quite objectively reflecting the emotional state of individuals.

One of the most famous researchers in this area is a US psychologist Paul Ekman. In particular, it belongs to work in which complex movements of facial muscles are correlated with emotions experienced by man. It is shown that the movements of the facial muscles are equally perceived by people regardless of nationality and place of residence, that is, the smile will be treated equally everywhere.

Thus, relying on these works, as well as on world safety practices on transport and objects with increased responsibility, scientists from the South Africa allocated a number of non-verbal signs that allow you to identify negative emotions and suspicious behavior.

Source: Naked Science

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