Askar Mine: It is necessary to ensure the dynamics of the development of the manufacturing industry


The reports were made by Ministers: Industry and Infrastructure Development - Babut Atamkulov, Energy - Nurlan Nogaev, Chairman of the Board of NUN "Baiterek" Aydar Arifshanov, Akima Karaganda Region Zhenis Kasymbek, Kostanay Region - Archimed Muhambetov, Akmolin Region - Ermek Magikpayev, Mangystau Region - Serikbai Trumov, reports with reference to the site PRIMEMINISTER.KZ.

In accordance with the message of the head of the state of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev and the NUR Otan party program, the Government has a challenge to increase the production of the manufacturing industry by 1.5 times by 2025. This year it is planned to ensure the growth of ferrous metallurgy by 5%, including the production of ferroalloys - by 10.4%, steel - by 17% and rental - by 19%, non-ferrous metallurgy - by 4.5%, in t. h. Zinc - by 18.6%, lead - by 18.8%, copper concentrate - by 9%, aluminum - by 6%. The chemical industry is expected to increase the production of phosphate fertilizers (+ 16.6%), ammonium (+ 15.4%), ammonium nitrates (+ 10.7%) and chromium compounds (+ 13.6%). In mechanical engineering, an increase of 13% is scheduled, including the automotive industry (+ 29%), the production of railway cars (+ 180%), agricultural equipment (+ 58%) and batteries (+ 10%). The increase in the production of the pharmaceutical industry is scheduled at the level of 5%, which will be ensured by increasing the production of drugs by 10.2%, launch of the production of vaccine against coronavirus infection and 5 new projects. In the light industry is expected to rise by 5%. The production of textile products will be increased by 6%, including cotton yarn (+ 50%), fabrics (+ 14%), carpets (+ 19%), clothes (+ 11%), leather (+30.4 %). In the production of building materials it is planned to ensure an increase of 6%, including the production of reinforced concrete products (+ 16%), bricks (+ 15%), cement (+ 11%), construction solutions (+ 13%), heat-insulating materials (+12, 5%), plasterboard (+ 11%).

"In the current year, we must achieve the growth of the index of the physical volume of the manufacturing industry at the level of 5.8%. It is necessary to ensure further growth in mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, light industry, pharmaceutical, food production, building materials. This year 110 processing projects should be introduced for a total of 2 trillion tenge, "said A. Mamin.

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The Head of Government noted the importance of accounting for world trends to introduce new technologies into production processes, the need to take measures to further stimulate enterprises implementing digital innovative solutions, as well as measures to stimulate the flow of workforce from low productive in more productive sectors.

"The head of state Kasym-Zhomart Kemevich Tokayev approved the National Development Plan of Kazakhstan until 2025, the main priority of which is determined to build a" strong economy ". National projects will be formed in the strategic sectors. A special role in this is given to the processing sector, "A. Mamin said.

The Prime Minister stressed that according to the roadmap of execution of the NUR OTAN party program by 2025 it is necessary to ensure an increase in the production of export oriented oil and gas products by 9 times. In this regard, the head of government instructed the Ministry of Energy together with Samruk-Kazyna FNB JSC to provide the commissioning of three oil and gas chemical plants in the Atyrau region and Shymkent, which will increase the volume of production in oil and gas chemistry to 400 thousand tons.

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