The most successful games from Russian developers. Part 1


Psychedelic racing game, gloomy RPG and visual novel about summer camp. Although many talented Russian developers are leaving abroad to work on foreign companies, the domestic video game industry has something to offer besides Tetris.

Even Russian gamers themselves are somewhat skeptical about video games produced by their compatriots. As the developer, Dmitry Sheln, noted in his article 2013, in some stores, Russian games were sold in boxes with covers of their English versions, since their true origin reduced sales.

Indeed, the quality of the majority of Russian releases really leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, those rare Russian video games, which succeeds succeed, usually acquire the status of religious. The world fame acquired the War Thunder project - a multiplayer online game developed in Russia, which presents battles between aircraft and other military equipment of the Second World War. Due to the fact that War Thunder is easy to learn, but at the same time incredibly detailed, it was able to attract many fans.

Unfortunately, some other wonderful Russian gaming projects have not gained the same fame among the wide gaming public. About them and will be discussed in this article.


World War II occupies a special place in the hearts of Russians and the 1940s - a fairly common setting in Russian artistic literature, cinema and, of course, video games. Just like all War Thunder lovers can safely be advised to try to play blitzkrieg. In this real-time strategy of 2003, the "Real-Time" itself is a part of the reduced - there is no need to even build a base.

The most successful games from Russian developers. Part 1 8561_1

Instead, the emphasis is on tactics: you will have to protect your troops on the march, storming the city, to conduct an overwhelming fire to pass by the enemy machine-gun nests and gun fortifications, to provide an entrance to the supply machines to advanced divisions. Perhaps, after an hour, the whole composition of the developer studio - Nival Interactive will want to curse with trucks. But, most likely, the risk of falling into dependence on such a non-standard gameplay for the genre of the gameplay.

Endless summer

Visual novel telling the story of a young replacement, which falls asleep on the bus in modern Russia, and wakes up in the Soviet summer camp. It is recommended to everyone who loves love stories, escapism, Soviet aesthetics, excellent rice and all that is associated with anime. The same, who believes that erotica and video games are incompatible, it is worth passing through this game. From the moment of release in 2014, the Rating Approval Rating on the Steam Platform is 94 percent.

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Mor (utopia). (Pathological)

Excellent example of insufficient financing: numerous errors, outdated graphics, not an intuitive interface. Nevertheless, in 2005, Pathologic was named after LKI, the influential ever video game magazine and the AG.RU version, a popular site with game reviews. Indeed, this mystical gloomy role-playing game of survival, the action of which takes place in the city, dying from a strange pandemic, at that time was perceived as a masterpiece of both critics and the public. In 2019, 14 years later, Pathologic 2 was released from the pen of the same developers - Ice-Pick Lodge Studio.

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According to the frequently quoted words, the criticism, which allegedly reviewed it, this game "is similar to the passage of driving exam in a driving school under the action of LSD." This is an amazingly accurate description of the Surrealistic world of Wangers, where the half-sized humanoid insects appear from the "broth of generating", boiling on the god forgotten planets. This 1998 Arcade, endowed with a very unusual gameplay, combines the freedom of sandboxes, the role-playing elements and post-apocalyptic car traveling. Yes, another 13 years before Minecraft in Wanger, there was already a runtic vocational environment. Remake games are available in Steam since 2014.

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