7 excellent TV shows about strong women

7 excellent TV shows about strong women 8553_1
7 excellent TV shows about strong women Dmitry Eskin

The heroines of these series are very different, but unites them in one thing: they boldly oppose all adversity, which fell into their far from fragile shoulders. One opposes ridiculous stereotypes, the other - bravely fights with a real superer, and the third challenges his own demons. Time Out recommends to watch these 7 series of winners.

Jessica Jones

Marvel's Jessica Jones, 2015, NetFlix

Although Jessica Jones can jump on a few floors up and raise the car with bare hands, she has to fight his demons as well as ordinary people - from the inside. A few years ago, Jess was under the influence of the villain of Kilgray (David Tennant), who forced her against his will kill a person. After that, the girl abandoned the desire to heroge, began to lead the recovery lifestyle and washed.

Of all the now closed superhero TV series Netflix and Marvel "Jessica Jones", less than the rest shows their comic roots. This is a full-pitted hybrid of a naigue detective and psychological thriller - an action here at least, and not he is remembered, and the game of Kristen Ritter in the role of a vulnerable, but not broken woman with a mountain of problems and bad habits.

"Incredible Mrs. Mezel"

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, 2017, Amazon Prime

Miriam Meisel (Rachel Khoshana) - an exemplary spouse and a Jewish housewife from New York 50s. She does everything to look perfect, and even makeup is pushing only after "falling" with her husband. But in Miriam, the creative flame of the comedian burns - as soon as it breaks out, the heroine will decide to succeed in Standak and thereby turn his life. She will go against the requirements of society, gender roles and stereotypes. It will be difficult, sometimes shame, but from the perspective of the viewer - almost always very funny.

The series of Gilmore Girls, Emy Sherman-Palldino, has already collected many awards, among which are three large "golden globes". Mrs. Meizel "- exquisitely set, smart comedy-musical with a simple feminist message: In life, the main thing is to go beyond the dream.

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"Chokutnaya former"

Crazy EX-Girlfriend, 2015, The CW

Rebecca Bunch (Rechell Bloom) succeeds in a career career and receives a long-awaited increase, but feels like lonely and unhappy. On the same day, she meets his love of childhood Josh and is solved at a crazy step: to move to West Covina, California, where the former lives. Officially - just for the sake of changing the situation and the "good job offer".

Bloom first showed herself as Yatutube, a musician and a stand - she did not manage to "sell" the idea of ​​his series at least someone. The CW channel saw in the strange concept of a comedic musical about a girl with an obvious mental disorder - not in vain. "Former" shows an uncommon story about a girl with an incredible amount of flaws and places successfully becomes a drammy. With the rest of the time there are many successful gags and very departing musical numbers that are paroding all sorts of genres.


Glow, 2017, NetFlix

The unemployed actress from Los Angeles named Ruth (Alison Brie) in despair agrees to participate in a dubious project about women's wrestling, where she has to learn to fight truly, beautifully portray fights on the camera and cling to the ratings in the show-book.

"Glitter" is a magnificent and motley dramatics about women on TV, wrestling, nostalgia on leopard and lacquered 80s and, finally, again about women. The series retells the story of the actually existing Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling project, without fearing to remember and its problematic aspects like exploitation of women on television. Or, for example, the fact that the dark-skinned women were forced particularly very much into scenic images supporting racist stereotypes.

Although Showranners took up very volumetric material, they do not hurry, revealing sharp topics gradually. Moreover, the echoes of the problems of the 80s, of course, are traced in modern reality.

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"Major Story"


In the militarized republic, only officers and their wives enjoy respect, people live on the strictest orders. In women in totalitarian society, a special position: the world suffers from infertility, only every hundreds can give birth to a child. Such elected becomes servants - surrogate mothers from the people whose function and duty is to produce the offspring of officers.

In the "servant" there is no comedy space - it is very heavy, in some places a non-complex anti-durability drama, hyperbolurating all existing and possible flaws of society. If the first season is based on the novel of Margaret Evwood of the same name, then the series is still stronger than the parallel between the gloomy future and the actual events of the Trump regime.

"Big little lie"

Big Little Lies, 2017, HBO

At the charity ball at the School of the California town of Monterey, murder takes place. The name of the victim is unknown who is the killer - too. The action is overlapping a few months ago, to the first school day, when five-related families (the most powerful ensemble Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Sheilly Wood, Zoe Kravitz and Laura Derne) just met each other.

The series turns the faded stroke about the female rivalry - all the heroes have to bury the ax of the war in order to become unharmed out of the complex (and mysterious) situation. In addition to the fact that the "big little lie" took a lot of figurines for acting talents, this is a representative of a rare now type of series, in which you want to see all the series from and to. Moreover, the show has already been completed.

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2016, TNT

Perhaps the only one is now a landmark for independent women on Russian television. Olga (Yana Trojanova) raises children from two marriages, takes care of an alcoholic father and in parallel trying not to throw a personal life. The heroine family went heavy: the eldest daughter is studying in PTU and considers himself better than the rest, the youngest son is building an adult man in 11 years old, sister is obsessed with married men.

The story of Olga's attempts not only to survive, and it is also desirable to live in the midst of it, the Dramati, which in places, perhaps, pays attention to the love lines of the heroine. Someone will see here a clear retelling of the plots of the cult series "Shameless", someone will find fault to the Ural accent actress. Whatever it was, on the domestic TV "Olga" goes by its dear and for the most part bypass gender cliches.

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