"In essence, the tax remains anyway. The most important thing is to be taken out. ": What do the drivers say Grodno, passing inspection


In the past few years, diagnostic stations accounted for disassemble. Only over the past year, the fall was more than 35%, and this is three times more than in 2019! However, since January, the ice tried: the state duty was canceled, and instead of a transport tax introduced. Someone spoke, they say, people are repulsed and the stars do not wait for the stations, but the numbers clearly say about the opposite.

According to the UE "Beltehemid", 188,025 permits for admission to participate in road traffic were issued in January. At the same time, in January 2020, 55,782 cars passed the inspection. How do you like this difference? AV.BY found out what happens at stations in February and how drivers responded to a new tax.

Justice was in the 90s?

On one of the diagnostic stations in the morning of the weekday, there is clearly no queue from those who want to undergo inspection. According to employees, in January, 70 cars came to them per day, and now it is half less.

One of the men at Kia Ceed is a novice driver. He arrived at the diagnostic station for the first time, but believes that it is better to pay monthly or add a penny to gasoline.

Communicate with other drivers, alas, it did not work out: someone from the leadership is unbelieving us from the territory. And only the local taxi driver contributed to the conversation, frankly speaking about the tax.

"Return 2013!"

This is a nostalgic phrase on how everything was different 7 years ago. Then at the diagnostic station, 70-80 cars arrived consistently, and the heads did not hurt a head about reducing the number of transport and sad statistics. Apparently, times are returned. For another diagnostic station, drivers all go and go. And by recording, and on a live queue. This is a spontaneous stream.

A familiar gray-haired man looks out of the cabin window, with whom our paths crossed back in 2019. Then on the eve of April 1, the Belarusians were waiting for, when new rules for charging traffic will earn. According to his forecasts of almost two year old, traffic should have grown about twice. Today it is possible to compare expectation and reality.

Let the turn not with a kilometer, but the stream of machines to the gate of the line gradually begins to line up, and the diagnostic engineers have no time to even sit down to relax. Then, in 2019, the order of 30-35 cars per day was fixed, today - 70-80. Looks like predictions come true. Only here the station manager is still strict and adamant, prohibiting photographing it from the inside. Like, someone came, removed, and then the photo appeared in the article about a bribe, in which one of the chiefs on the periphery appeared ... People at this station indignant!

Equipment of technical inspection is like a sip of fresh air

What do ordinary motorists think? For example, a group of men in the parking lot under the canopy is not as optimistic about the transport tax, as the head of the station.

- how about what? - Connect to the conversation another motorist. - And the roads for which you ride? For what money to repair them?

The next young man who did not want to glow onto the camera, turns out in a quieter vein. In his opinion, the participation of drivers in the financing of roads is necessary. On the one hand, you need to pay, the question is only where this money really goes. There is no reporting about the tools spent. And this is even more annoying motorists who lived as many as 7 years old with the defendant of state duty.

The driver of Opel Astra GTC is clearly not among those who boycott inspection. When all obligations are fulfilled, there is no reason to anxiety. His position is as follows: I paid the tax - live quietly. A young man does not work in MNS - this is his private opinion.

More than 2 thousand cars per month. Ice started

At another station on a weekday is crowded. Belarusians one after another approaches the window for issuing diagnostic cards, workers act quickly and coolerly, and the management is divided by fresh numbers.

At the station demonstrate the resolution of the old sample and the new document, which from nowend gives drivers passing inspection. One of the differences - now it will be prescribed not just a month, but a specific date. This means that it is no longer possible to extend the cordless way.

"Today I have passed inspection and rejoice, and I'll think about the tax later"

One of our countrymen moving driving Hyundai 2014 in., All these years regularly passed inspection and paid the state duty, without hiding behind the civil position. He drives a lot, rolling about hundreds of mileage kilometers per day. Today, a man brought the car of the Father to whom he enjoys extremely rarely.

At the same station, another person expressed the opposite opinion. He believes as follows: let the transport tax introduced, but at the same time proposed a reduction in the rate, benefits, differentiation of rates for individuals in relation to passenger cars (from 1.5 to 2.5 tons), which more evenly increases the tax rates with the growth of the car .

Exclude the tax is unnoticed, and not so - take it out yes!

On another station on Dzerzhinsky Street (near the Minsk Gai), the anchlage is not observed. Everything is slapped by snow, frost bites. On the parking lot of their turns, only two cars are waiting.

One of them is BMW E39, the owner of which believes that the turning of the inspection from road collection is definitely good. It is this fact that the man comes to the station is February Sabbath in the morning.

The VW Polo owner finds that the right thing to include road harvest in fuel, however, the current government decision is better than that situation that was before.

Is one car in the morning - is it a record?

On one stations are thick, on others - empty. It is more difficult to boast of the abundance of visitors, but even by their standards, the number of cars have increased twice.

This station is working for the fourth year, but in the 2020th, the crisis has felt the strongest: days happened when there were no soul on the line. Let for the frosty morning Saturday looked here only one driver looked here, but the rest of the time was on average then a little more than 20 cars.

And how in the regions?

2020th became a real test for all, especially for private stations. Some of them were forced to close or switched to three-day mode of operation. Spinned as they could have to accrue salaries and repay rent. Not to mention, to get some income. How did everything change with the traffic dislocation?


Judging by the voiced diagnostic stations, a number of opinions, the new transport tax of Belarusians perceived in different ways. However, one point of view sounded from the mouth of motorists repeatedly.

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