The organizers of the Golden Globe accused of corruption and racism

The organizers of the Golden Globe accused of corruption and racism 8536_1
In the association, so far did not comment on the implanting article.

A new scandal has broke out in Hollywood, associated with one of the most prestigious film. According to the investigation of Los Angeles Times, members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), which awards the Golden Globe Award, get too much money.

For this fiscal year for the needs of a non-profit organization, the members of which are 87 people, 2.15 million dollars were allocated. In addition, by the end of 2020, the Association paid 100 thousand dollars a month to employees at the same time working more than ten committees. In January, two dozen people belonging to the relevant Committee received 3.5 thousand dollars for watching foreign films. Members of the Festival Committee and the Committee, head of archives, earned 1 thousand and 2 thousand dollars per month.

Not bad members of HFPA earn and writing materials to the site.

Previously, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association was openly accused of corruption and monopolizing press-access. The Norwegian journalist of the Kierly Flaa filed to the court after it was refused to take into the ranks of HFPA members. She stated that the organization receives "thousands of remuneration dollars" from the same studios, networks and celebrities, which they hand over rewards, but all this is making.

The lawsuit was rejected - partly on the grounds that Flaa had not experienced economic or professional difficulties as a result of an exception from the Association. A lawyer HFPA Marvin Patnam called "an attempt to get rid of an organization based on envy, and not at merit."

However, after the new investigation, the organization may wait for new difficulties. For example, it turned out that among HFPA members there are no blacks, and the films shot by African Americans are rarely falling into the number of nominees. For example, this year did not get to the list "Ma Raina: Mother Blues", "Five One Blood" and "Judas and Black Messiah", which claim other well-known awards.

The situation threatens to provoke a new scandal, and experts are already asked how ethical from this point of view is the premium award process. However, comments from HFPA representatives have not yet been received: they ignored the publication by issuing the news about who would present awards at the coming ceremony. The premium this year is scheduled for February 28.

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