"Dlatti", second season. Pavel Derevko again in the game


On March 1, 2021, on the first day of Spring, the second season of the Comedy TV series "Dlatti" will be released on the CTT TV channel, in which Paul Derevyanko plays the trainer Mikhail Kovaleva, with a variable success trying to find a common language with a female student volleyball team of the provincial university. In the new season, Alexander Cott and Art Tkachenko also starred.

This spring we are waiting for several bright comedic projects about men who are trying to lead the women's team. On TNT, the series "Girls with Makarov" will soon be released, and the STS will delight the audience to continue who has fallen in love with many of the TV series.

At the end of the first season, the coach Mikhail Kovalev (Pavel Derevyanko), who worked with a female volleyball team from the provincial Novochepheck, threw the girls who attached him to him, left his beloved Irina (Daria Ursulak) and returned to Moscow to train the capital "Dynamo". But his heart is not in place, because of what Kovalev cannot focus at work.

Pavel Derevko and Daria Ursulak in the TV series "Dlatti"

According to the Council of the Father (Sergey Rubekov), the Hero of Derevyanko goes back to his hometown to finally put the point in the relationship and move on, but instead sticks to a new story. Because of the intrigue of the Novochephetsky mayor (Alexander Cot), he has to stay in the city and again take a student team under his wing, which entered the daughter of the mayor of Diana (Snezhania Selfin) - gifted in terms of sports, but possessing the extremely bad character of the girl. In addition, a lawyer Roman (Art Tkachenko) appears on the horizon, which claims the heart of Irina, and with him will also have to figure it out.

Angelina Poplavskaya, Daria Pizik and Snezhana Samokhin at the filming of the second season of the series "Dlatti"

The hero of Pavel Derevyanko for the first season of the series passed a big way, he stopped being a latter chauvinist and a shameless manipulator, learned to respect women and appreciate friendship. Alas, it makes it a less interesting character, because now we are just a short tricky peasant with problems in personal life. In fact, the role that Mikhail had previously played, now took on Diana: she goes on his heads, strives to use everyone, including coach, to achieve their goals and irritating both the surrounding and spectators. And if the former Kovalev, in two accounts, would put a cuddy girl into place, then the new, toothless, simply does not know what to do with it. It remains to hope that the appearance of a competitor will still make the character of Dresses to reset the sleepy stupor and show the battle sparkle again.

Pavel Derevko at the filming of the second season of the series "Dlatti"

The second season of the TV series "Dlatta" is similar to the pizza heated in the microwave: it's still tasty, but you will not have the crust.

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