The Socredagna of the Almaty Regional Children's House is accused of assigning T68.5 million


The Socredagna of the Almaty Regional Children's House is accused of assigning T68.5 million

The Socredagna of the Almaty Regional Children's House is accused of assigning T68.5 million

Almaty. 20th of March. KazTAG - on the director and social teacher of the Almaty regional orphanage number 1 sued the Court in connection with theft of T68.5 million, reports Children's Ombudsman Aruzhan Sain.

"In August last year, children and graduates of the Almaty regional orphanage number 1 in Baganashyl ​​were turned to me: they stole money from the bills to which government benefits and social assistance were made. The guys provided extracts from their accounts, showing money for several years to remove cash through ATMs, payments in stores, transfers to maps of other persons. I immediately sent letters to law enforcement and in the Department of Economic Investigations (DER) in the city of Almaty - so that the case was taken to control and identified the entire circle of persons responsible for committing these crimes. Including people who are part of the audit commission and told complaints of theft of children in 2019 - for the quality of testing and the possible arbitrariness for concealing crimes, "Saine wrote on Facebook.

She also asked to initiate inspections of the safety of money in the accounts of all children of all children's institutions of boarding school and check again for violations of children's rights to receive either the timeliness of the appointment of public benefits.

"The other day, employees of the Agency for Financial Monitoring of the Republic of Kazakhstan (DER in Almaty) completed the investigation of the criminal case against employees and officials of the Almaty Regional Children's House No. 1 in Baganashyl. Investigators found that one of the social teachers was assigned and wretched money received by the pupils of the orphanage as benefits on the loss of the breadwinner and disability. As a result, the pupils of the orphanage caused material damage to a particularly large amount - for a total amount of T68.5 million, which caused a significant violation of their rights and legitimate interests, "the Ombudsman writes.

She clarified that at present, criminal cases on the facts of assigning or embezzlement of entrusted foreign property in a particularly large amount (part 4 of Article 189 of the Republic of Kazakhstan) in relation to the social teacher and negligence (part 1 of Art. 371 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) for the director Children's houses are sent to court.

In addition, it is reported that the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Anti-Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service), materials on the territory of Almaty, Materials are transferred on the fact of the negligence of officials of the Department of Internal State Audit (DVG) in the Almaty region of KVGA MF RK and the Department of Education of the Almaty Region Detoma.

"I thank the Department of Economic Investigations in Almaty for their work and express the hope that the persons who made glaring violations of the rights of children will incur deserved punishment. And the most important thing is that damage caused to children will be reimbursed in the speedy time and in full. I hope that the court and the prosecutor's office will pay special attention to this, "writes Saine.

As it is specified, a lot of work is underway with law enforcement agencies, in particular with the Financial Monitoring Agency, the Agency for Anti-Corruption, the Committee of the Internal State Audit of the Ministry of Finance and the General Prosecutor's Office for the Big Specter of Children's Rights, especially children in educational systems, social protection and Health.

"For every crime and violation of the rights of children should come in an inevitable punishment. In a short time, we will come out with a number of proposals for system changes that will have to protect the rights of children as much as possible. Despite the fact that I constantly come across such situations, I can not get used to the fact that there are people who go on crimes, personal enrichment due to the most unprotected - orphans, disabled, patients, "the ombudsman is outraged.

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