The US government wants to save the semiconductor industry from the global deficit


The Bloobmerg edition reports that Joe Biden (New President of the United States) expressed great concern about the global deficit in the semiconductor market. And that is why the United States government plans to develop a number of "aggressive" steps that will be aimed at eliminating this global disgrace in semiconductors.

In the near future, the head of the White House will sign several orders to conduct inspections in chains of deliveries of critical goods. And the center of all problems here are semiconductors. Just them will investigate them. The new administration of the White House will pay more attention to finding bottlenecks in the supply chain. And this should reduce the number of problems with the supply of semiconductors.

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Another of these aggressive steps is an attempt to create "incentives", which should cause a great desire from semiconductor manufacturers to open their production in the United States. Just about this recently spoke representatives of large companies such as Qualcomm and Intel. They called on the American government to finance such initiatives. Here is old Joe and listened to the guys, so everything will be soon.

Probably it is worth recalling that since the beginning of this year, the entire technological world suddenly began to suffer from an unprecedented shortage of semiconductors. So far, no one understood where such a big and important industry has found a deficit, and so sharply and suddenly. But opinions are expressed that the former president of the United States of Donald Trump, who pretty spoiled the life of many major Chinese companies, including SMIC, is to blame. And maybe in all the miners are to blame, which just brought. In general, so far no one can say how it happened that all semiconductors suddenly ended for the whole world.

Now everything is suffering from the lack of semiconductors, including the automotive industry, which simply cannot even conclude contracts. And Sony, along with Microsoft, cannot establish the supply of new game consoles, because the components are not enough. About video cards in general, perhaps, wrap and dying. Yes, even Apple cannot deploy full-fledged supplies iPhone 12, because semiconductors are not enough. Silicon in this world ended something ...

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