What could you miss over the weekend?

What could you miss over the weekend? 8491_1

Weekend passed, but they were also informative. Therefore, we are traditionally reminding what happened in these two days and that you probably could miss.

Ryazan company RP-STROY will be rented without trading a land plot of more than seven thousand square meters on the street Razdolnaya in Orel to a multi-storey residential building. The appropriate resolution was signed by the governor of the Oryol region Andrei Klychkov. The area of ​​the Ryazan company receives the land for rent for five years. In the near future, the corresponding contract will be concluded with the company. However, what is known about this company? Oryol News prepared a company card.

Orel City Hall announced the conditions for the continuation of the work of the day off on the Polygo of Zhukov and the Komsomol Plaza. The scheme for the placement of trading places on both platforms was approved by the mayor of Yuri Parachin. So, at the fair in the square of the Komsomol residents, the merchants took 130 seats, 58 of which will be given to the realization of fruits and vegetables. And on Zhukov Square - only 126 seats, 33 of which are given to the realization of dairy products and beekeeping products. Another 20 seats are assigned to fruit and vegetable products, and for trading bread - only three places.

On February 27, the head of the rural settlement Rechitsky Mr. Revin escaped from the local resident after the question of the unsuitable road. The video of the Eagle News sent a reader Valery Sinitsyn. According to him, the head of the village settlement arrived at the spot refused to organize the cleaning of the road from the snow, said that "he drives out on his car, it means others will pass." And with Sinitsyn and at all, refused to talk and escaped, which was imprinted on the video, as well as the unclean born streets.

Employees of the regional prosecutor's office, together with experts, examine the Eagle Roads, which are in the improper state, to subsequently give an assessment of the actions (or inaction) of officials, reported in the press service of the department. Thus, numerous pivots and pits were formed on a number of eagle roads, there are facts of flooding of certain areas of roads with thawed waters. Complaints of citizens on this occasion the social networks and the media.

The popular search service Headhunter has a vacancy of the Deputy Head of the Procurement Organization Department and public procurement management services department. The vacancy has placed the administrations of the governor and the Government of the Oryol region. It is noteworthy that experience is not required. This was not the attention of Orlovchanka Olga Golovin, publishing a post in Facebook.

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