A new school in Kameshkovo is completed in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


In the center of Kameshkovo, the construction of a new school on 675 places continues.

A new school in Kameshkovo is completed in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 8475_1

On December 2, 2019, a municipal contract was concluded in the amount of 469.4 million rubles with a period of work in December 2020. However, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, taking into account the complex situation in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection in 2020, decided to transfer the deadlines for commissioning for 2021. On December 25, 2020, an additional agreement was signed for the extension of the contract until June 30, 2021 due to the fact of the spread of a new coronavirus infection and accepted by quarantine measures during the pandemic period.

Already, a new school is in a high degree of readiness. As of the beginning of the third decade of January 2021, construction and installation work at the facility was implemented by 92%, 95 people were involved in the construction of school.

The external objects of the object are made by 95% with the exception of communication networks, which is a subcontractision agreement with Rostelecom PJSC. The block transformer substation and a block-modular boiler room for heat supply of the school building have been installed and launched (boiler room operates from November last year). Brickwork on the object is 100% executed. The roofing of the school building is ready by 90%. Installation of windows is 95%, the remaining 5% of window blocks are already on the object. Internal thermal and ventilation networks are ready for 95%, and internal water and sewage networks are 75%.

Now work is underway on the finishing finish of the premises of the first and second floors, draft work is completed on the finishing of the third floor, work in the basement is performed. The flooring is placed in the premises, the installation of kitchen equipment has begun, work on the device of elevator equipment is completed. Everything necessary for school equipment purchased and is located in warehouses of district administration.

The construction of a new school in Kameshkovo is carried out within the framework of the national project "Education", and the district administration carries out systematic work on its implementation. Currently, the issue of financing the completion of the new school in Kameshkovo is solved with the administration of the Vladimir region in working order.

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