"I was convinced that there would be enough $ 40 thousand: as a girl from Minsk opened a wine bar in Grodno


Beautiful life of a carefree girl - only such an impression produces a profile of faith in instagram. But she is alone, without sponsors, partners and without experience in the restaurant business, took a loan and started their business in another city,

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on citydog.by. Faith Tarautukhina - the founder and director of the wine bar "Red on White" at Zybe in the city of Grodno.

What is this - move to Grodno, when I spent the whole life in Minsk: "Cool city, in vain I thought so so"

- When at the fourth year, a friend from Grodno called me for a birthday, I thought: "Grodno?! Why do I go there? " I lived such a small stagger, "says Vera on the risk of his relationship with the city.View this publication in Instagram

Vera is a native Minskanka, a graduate of the faculty of business BSU, which is used to traveling a lot and "hunt" to fashionable restaurants. She always loved the high buildings and the wide streets of megacities, and in the boring provincial city of the girl did not want to go at all.

- In the Grodno streets, I felt the European atmosphere. People are so calm, simply, but at the same time stylishly dressed. All this began to be very impressed. In the spring I came again in Grodno for five days - and I liked it even more. Cool city, in vain I thought so so.

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True, there was one substantial minus. For three days, the faith, bypassed all decent bars and restaurants Grodno, the question arose: Where to go to eat? Wheel in spring I wanted to sit on the terrace with a glass of wine, but this place was simply not.

- And then something clicked in my head: why not make such a place itself? Especially the moment came when I finished the university and it was necessary to do something further with this life. The idea looked incredibly - I felt good from her, - remembers faith.

In addition to the wine concept, the girl examined the network cafe "Suprat": Without experience in the catering, it seemed easier and cheaper to start your defranchise. But the familiar blogger dissuaded the faith to open a cafe, which specializes in soups with him, and convinced that 40 thousand dollars for the bar will enhance.

"I began to think over the options, and in the fall of 2018 I took the final decision that I move and want to develop a culture of wine in Grodno," says the girl.

How much is it worth opening your bar: "The first 10 thousand. I spent on nowhere: about such a sum of the builders deceived me"

- The total figure of about two times exceeded 40 thousand, and I still put in the finish. But I am pleased with everyone and I don't regret anything. When you have already invested the funds, you can not all like this and cancel. I rushed everything in the world to find the missing amount, because there is no way back. I was 23 years old, and this was the school of my mature, "says Vera.

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The girl took a loan in the bank, partially allowed a personal savings into consumption, his father helped a little.

- My parents work not in the field of public catering, at least valuable advice on Finance Dad tried to support. I have always been independent. So they were not even surprised when I said that I was moving in Grodno, "says Vera.

Faith rented a former warehouse in the building of the glove factory in the heart of the city. There, several popular institutions have already been successfully worked, which together created the atmosphere, very similar to Zybitsky in Minsk.

- There were no communications and ventilation. We pulled the walls, mounted wiring, put a new well. Construction and so hard process, and here I'm still "some kind of father's daughter from the capital," a girl who has not perceived anyone seriously.

In order to see what premises, which rented faith, Polyce the gallery below.

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"We say builders:" You must do it today and this. " They do not have time, price increases twice as high in the city, because they see that I do not understand.

The first 10 thousand dollars I spent on nowhere: about this amount I was deceived. The builders were irresponsible to work, because they saw that I could not speak their tongue with mats, and they were only accustomed to this. I changed three brigades. But it seems to me that now I am an expert in the density of plaster and isolation of the premises, "says the girl.

Because of this, the repair was delayed. The landlord went to the meeting, gave rental holidays for five months, and in September 2020, a long-awaited discovery of the first in Grodno wine bar took place.

About the concept of bar and middle check: "I did not want to climb prices and made an affordable institution"

- I hate the format of the 2000s, when in the institution a large menu, and in it and sushi, and "Caesar" and pilaf. I consciously have five kinds of dishes of each section. I love wine and look good in it: we have its 150 positions. I also did not want to climb prices and made an affordable institution, "says Vera.

The concept of a bar format is that the guest itself comes to a rack with alcohol, chooses wine, puts it on the table, the waiter opens a bottle and takes an order for snacks or food. In addition, the bar serves late breakfasts, and the wine can be bought with you.

Covenan check, according to the hostess bar, 35 rubles. On the guest: two glasses of wine, main dish and dessert.

The name of the bar for today sounds ambiguous: "red on white". Faith says that he registered it in April 2019, long before the well-known events, and that it is exclusively about wine.

The design was made by the Grodno team, which faith found through acquaintances. The girl chose his glasses, stands, glasses, appliances, while found from suppliers exactly what dreamed of.

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- The most cool is the feeling when you go to your bar, ask to pour the wines that you yourself selected. Now you will drink it from the glass, for which you hunted for three months. As long as you stand at the bar counter and wait for your wine, you turn around and see the full hall of happy people who drink delicious wine. Damn, I opened this place, and people went! I think I was well done and did everything right. It's just nothing to regret anything, "Faith shares.

About the restaurant culture of Grodniths: "There are no breakfast in establishments"

- Grodnotsev did not have a culture to go to the institution not on holidays and weekends, but just to eat tasty. In the evenings, we have everything clogged, and for breakfasts so far the flow is small. Grodnots prefer coffee shops, where they are breakfast, and drink coffee and wine, and come to work, - divisions of faith.

The girl notes that young people in the Grodno Zybitsky behave more culturally than in Minsk. There were no companies with their beer here. And also notes that in Grodno adult people are as active and parties, like young people. In her bar next door they can sit the company for girls for 20 years and women of 40-50, which will drink the same wine and even dance.

How to manage the institution when you are 23: "I thought I would sell the bar and return to Minsk"

- The most difficult for me is a subordination with staff, - confess faith. - Some guys are older than just a year, and the cook in general is 30 years old. She worked for a year in Italy, perhaps from there she had a pleasant mentality for me, and we agreed.

Guys sometimes do not understand what tone to choose to choose with me, there are some inappropriate jokes. When I give some teams, they sometimes react in the spirit: "Oh, what for nonsense." Although, if I were 40, they would psychologically perceive all seriously, "beliefs believes.

The only case when the girl wanted to quit everything, is also associated with the team. In the New Year period temporarily took another waitress. That suddenly began to demand to pay it twice as much as agreed initially.

"She told my girls:" If your hostess does not pay me more, I'll show you everything that you have here. " I'm all napotkala. " What could she generally sfotkat? She herself put in the kitchen on the floor of the plate and photographed them. It was the only time for all time when I had a panic. I experienced a very serious disappointment in a person. I thought: "Everything. I sell bar. Returning to Minsk. "

"Someone from the local authorities did not like the name" red on white ", and they demand to change"

Went to the third year, as our heroine lives in Grodno in a rented apartment in a five minute walk from his bar.

In the evenings, a girl engaged in the gym three times a week, visits yoga twice a week. Faith says that he is looking forward to the opening of a large network cinema, since such a thing is not enough here. In Minsk, she chooses about once a month to meet with friends.

Faith vera is spent at work: calls for suppliers, solves questions with staff, sometimes it buys foods. From time to time, unexpected difficulties arise (to some extent typical of those who are business in Belarus). For example, one local resident (the bar is adjacent to the residential house) complained to the noise at night, and the bar was restricted to 23 hours.

And recently, someone from the local authorities did not like the name "red on white", and, despite the fact that it was registered for a long time, now in faith requires it to change it. The girl reacts calmly and looks into the future positive.

- About the profitability to speak early, the payback I am satisfied with 70%. The missing 30% is the situation with breakfast, which I really want to change. I have such a feature - non-vulnerable about what has already happened. A loan is already hanging on me, but at night I sleep calmly. I made a schedule of potential profits, I know how I will extinguish it, and so far it turns out to be done.

I have an unconditional desire to return home. A year later, I will see if it is possible to leave a bar for someone and come in Grodno once every two weeks, and in Minsk to launch another project, it is divided by faith plans.

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