"Spy Games": Pessimists. Caribbean season


Following the second season of television "optimists", where Sergey Bezrukov, the companions tried by the fictional innovative methods of a political and provocative PR to prevent a very real nuclear war during the "Caribbean crisis", now the Thiller "", newly dedicated to the same topic and founded At the real events of the early 1960s, when the British Lazutchik Greville Meinerd Winn came into contact with Colonel Oleg Penkovsky, in 1963 accused of espionage.

Removed by the debutant in the full-length game movie - British Dominic Cook, previously by the BBC Pieces of Shakespeare C, seems to be all the main British stars of this time (not only Cumberbatch, but also, for example, Tom Hiddleston with Ben Wisha), - "Spy Games" at first They look like a mixture of "cranberries" and the comedies of cohov "after reading to burn", to the final to a serious drama like a "spy bridge" of Spielberg (scenario for this tape, by the way, also wrote Cohen).

In the gray Soviet Moscow with frightening administrative buildings, he lives with his wife (Maria Mironova) and daughter Colonel Gru and part-time Chief of Committee on Science Oleg Penkovsky (Merab Ninidze). Thanks to access to secret documents and meetings with Khrushchev (Vladimir Chuprikov, by the way, playing the same role in the second "optimists"), he clearly understand that the world is on the threshold of the nuclear war. These knowledge in the Moscow underground transition Penkovsky is divided with random Americans who deliver the desired news to their embassy. So the spy race begins - with the participation of the CIA Agent Emily Donovan (the Women's quota passed Rachel Dickshana) and the representative of Mi-6 Dicks Franksse (Angeus Wright), in whose head a cunning plan is born. They decide to send no real intelligence officer to the USSR, and a simple sales representative of Greville Winn (Benedict Cumberbatch), living with his wife (Jesse Buckley) and his son in London and delivered various parts to Eastern European plants.

Intelligence, a simple British citizen cannot refuse. And now in the ridiculous light flip of Winn, the main talent of which - the ability to drink, settled in the Moscow Hotel "Vitaly" - the only bright spot in the exhausted darkness of the Soviet capital - and is waiting for a meeting with Penkovsky. And then, the Penkovsky arrives with a return visit to London, where after the international bar-hopping (the Soviet citizen in the drink also does not miss), meets with the CIA and Mi-6 agents. So the cooperation stretched for several months begins, as a result, preventing a nuclear war. Not without sacrifice. And not without heroes. Under both categories - depending on the angle - and the Soviet "Mole" fell, the Penkovsky and British "Little Man" Winn.

"Games of spies" begin as a prime joke about a silly and pretty caricature - in the spirit of the series "Killing Eve" - ​​international intelligence and seeing British wife Lukashina, as if confused with Moscow, not Leningrad, but London. End - almost as a recent "Mauritan", only here in the role of the prisoner is no longer American, and the Soviet prison is Camplumbat. Such is the irony of acting fate. Director Dominic Cook, together with the screenwriter Tom O'Connor, famous for the Satyrian comedy "Killer's bodyguard", as if, as well as cinema intelligence officers, play their own - different games. The first is to complete the mixture of frank "cranberry" with a heroic pathos. The other is trying to bring in general not the most fun real story of notes of current spy irony. The result is quite controversial in the artistic plan. In the ideological at the same time, it is quite unequivocal. Everyone may be a spy, Comrade Major starts, and to trust intelligence - regardless of what the flag it represents is, it is not worth it. Optimimism is not a place here, and after reading any document is better to burn. But it is unlikely that these truths can surprise the Russian viewer.

"Spy Games" at the box office from March 17.

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