Prevention of diseases of the gooseberry and currant


Good afternoon, my reader. Everyone is known to the truth that the disease is better to warn than to treat it. This applies not only to human or animals, but also plants. So that the curor and gooseberry bushes were healthy and brought a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

Prevention of diseases of the gooseberry and currant 8421_1
Preventiveness of the Gorge Diseases and Currant Maria Verbilkova

Swimming of currant leaves. (Photo used by standard license ©

  • In early spring, it is necessary to accomplish the land around the bushes and assemble the foliage in order to destroy the caterpillars of the gooseberry spinings that can be there.
  • Inspect the bushes carefully and cut all the shoots affected by American torment, currant glass or other diseases.
  • The soil around the bushes can be filled with peat crumb. This will serve as a barrier to exit the stem and currant gallicle.
  • When the air warms up to 13-15 degrees, it is necessary to treat bushes by the drug "Akttellik" from the caterpillars of currant worship moths and the gooseberry of the spine.
  • During the bootonization period to protect the gooseberry from the tracks of the leaflerting and larvae of the sawder, these drugs are used as "Aktellik", "Kinmix".
  • And to protect currant - "NOVAKON" or "TANK".
  • Against anthrax and septoriosiosa bushes are treated with "Azophos", "Medex" or boric liquid.
  • Before the blossom, the plants should be treated with a PSK Fungicide-acaricide from a spider tick, a currant hooky tick and American powdery dew.
  • Immediately after flowering, it is necessary to brag the soil again to destroy the pupae of the curor moth.
  • If they noticed the mildew on the leaves, spray them with "Topaz". On 10 liters of water, it suffices to take 2 ml of this drug.
  • From the caterpillars of leftimeters, spiders, the gooseberry moth helps spraying with infusion insecticidal plants, such as velvets, calendula, daisy pharmacy. Either the use of substances such as batchibacillin, lepyocide.
  • If you find the black currant bushes, affected by terrain, they will, unfortunately, will need to dig and destroy that the disease does not move to other plants.
  • After harvesting, we again process the plants "Topaz" from mildew. And from anthrax and septoriosis by one of the following drugs: "Medex", "Horus" or burglar liquid.
  • In late autumn, cut and burn patients with shoots, and also remove the foliage and loose the soil around the bushes.
Prevention of diseases of the gooseberry and currant 8421_2
Preventiveness of the Gorge Diseases and Currant Maria Verbilkova

Processing bushes. (Photo used by standard license ©

As can be seen from this article, work on the prevention of plants from diseases occupy a large amount of time in the spring, when the formation of leaves, colors and fruits are being forming. In the summer and autumn, these works take quite a bit of time and strength. If you will correctly care for your plants and carry out the prevention of diseases in time, they will thank you with a good brew harvest.

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