Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_1

Japanese blue, green, pink liquid feeders for delicate charms orchids are used for different cases. Herbates are more suitable for building foliage, pink - for flowering orchids, but the blue fertilizers these beauties love the most for "support" during stressful situations and for helping their help the root system.

What Japanese fertilizers use for orchids?

These colors use several types of liquid fertilizer from Japanese manufacturers Yorkey and Fujima Inc.


You can find a blue fertilizer for FUUMI orchids (BL-212) on sale. The volume of each of the bottles is 35 mm, and the cost for the entire package may vary from 550 Russian rubles.

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_2

The solution has such components:

  • phosphate;
  • potassium carbonate;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus and acid;
  • Vitamins B and C.

Japanese Blue Fertilizer is used in the following situations:

  1. It is necessary to strengthen the development of the roots.
  2. Consistent with longer blossoms.
  3. Increase the flower resistance to pests and diseases, strengthen its immune system.

After adding a special fluid to the soil, the flower will delight with lush flowering.


This nutritional substance is usually used by orchid lovers for the development and maintenance of appearing buds.

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_3

In the market you can find pink Yorkey bottles ("Activator of growth and flowering"). Ten small bottles are about 566 rubles.

As part of liquid feeding - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as many ingredients, which are included in the contents of a blue bottle. You can read about them above. This agent is used, as a rule in the flowering phase.


It is suitable for all types of plants and not only for orchids as reinforcing. Usually, when using a fertilizer of grassy colors for a long time, no blooming orchids begin to bloom. The price for one package can be from 250 rubles.

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_4

For a tender tropical flower can also be found in the "Double Japanese Fertilizer" store (2 bottles, green and yellow flowers). It is important here to first familiarize yourself with the instructions for their use. The bottle must be indicated that the solution is suitable for orchids. The cost of two pieces is from 260 rubles.

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_5

The main ingredients in bottles are as follows.


  • nitrogen;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • potassium.


  • minerals;
  • amino acids.

How to apply?

All fertilizers are designed for disposable feeding. There are only objectives of the liquid into a container with a plant.

Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_6

For feeding from a blue, or green bottle, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Cut from the top of the bottle tip.
  2. Strengthen the narrow part of the bottle into the ground between the stem and the walls, by observing the angle of 45 °.
  3. Leave a bottle in tanks for soil nutrition with liquid fertilizer.
Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_7

To pour orchid with a pink substance you need to add five drops of solution into a liter of fluid. Such fertilizer can be used only once a month. Then it is worth making a monthly break and repeat the procedure.

Pros and cons of multicolored means

The main distinguishing features of Japanese fertilizers should be called their high quality.

You can also identify such explicit advantages:

  • Balance in a solution of nutrients and other enzymes.
  • Efficiency.
Orchid only: Blue, Pink and Green Japanese Fertilizers 8399_8

It is worth noting that with the wrong, or negligent use of a multi-colored substrate, problems may arise. For example, if you water the flower blue, and not a pink liquid, it will adversely affect new buds. They will quickly dissolve, but also quickly and start.

High-quality Japanese additives with the correct combination of bioactive enzymes and nutrients provide orchids not only the strengthening and development of roots, but also contribute to their long-lasting flowering.

When bait, plants are important to consider in what condition it is located, its characteristic features and time of year. If multicolored fertilizers apply strictly with the instructions on the package, then the tropical beauties will rejoice for a long time with their flowering.

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