Celebrities who got married in the Maldives

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

The Maldives and Showman Alexander Revva love most of all. With his wife Angelica, they are officially married since 2007, but admitted to each other in love on the island of whole four times. The spouses will grow up two daughters, 13-year-old Alice and 7-year-old Amelie, but the wedding in the Maldives has already become a family tradition and everything happens as the first time. In this pair, tenderness reigns even years later.

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

On the paradise island, Olga Buzova with a football player Dmitry Tarasov became married and TV presenter. In 2013, they were already in a registered marriage, but before the new year they flew to the Maldives, where they once again told each other an oath of loyalty. True, it did not help preserve a strong marriage and after three years they divorced because of Tarasov's treason with Anastasia Kostenko, which then became the second legitimate wife athlete.

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

In the same place, in the Maldives, Olga played a secret wedding with the beloved David Manukyan in early January of this year, which is not legal in Russia, only a couple attended the celebration. True, the other day the girl announced a breaking of relations with a man, confessing in beating from the singer.

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

Nikolay Baskov did not exception, arranged a wedding ceremony in Maldives with an ex "Miss Universe" Oksana Fedorova. The couple was in relations only two years from 2009 to 2011. Many considered their Roman PR-Step. However, Fedorova argued in an interview that everything was truly and she was seriously worried about their gap. At the concert, Igor Nikolaev Baskov officially announced that she was "throws" Oksana. However, they managed to preserve a friendly relationship.

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

Football player Fedor Smolov officially was never married, but in 2013 played a wedding in Maldives with a model of Victoria Lopirevoy. Couple wanted to strengthen relations thus. Mothers of young people were present at the marriage ceremony. In 2015, they broke up. In 2019, Vika married, and Fedor was engaged to the 17-year granddaughter of Boris Yeltsin Maria Yumacheva. The wedding should take place this year.

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Celebrities who got married in the Maldives Alice Sokolov

Suddenly married in the Maldives in 2016 Anastasia Volochkova. Ballerina admitted that such a luxurious gift did one fan. The guy all organized and she could not refuse, besides, such a marriage is not legal. At the end of the autumn 2020, the ex-ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater rested in the Maldives with his beloved by Oleg, whose photo she does not show on social networks. She says he loves the island very much and often spends her vacation there.

Photo: Instagram, open sources

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