The new technical inspection system "stood" for technical reasons


The improved system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation aroused the wave of complaints of technical inspection operators (MOT) and paralyzed the work of fraudsters.

The new technical inspection system

March 1 in Russia started the reform of technical inspection, designed to exclude the purchase of diagnostic car owners without passing. On the very first day of work on the new rules, market participants faced serious problems: diagnostic cards received only 1% of customers from the daily norm at the stations. The cause of steel failures when connecting operators to the information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the lack of demand for the service after the moratorium declared by the authorities. There is a positive moment: the activities of firms engaged in illegal sales of diagnostic maps stopped.

The new technical inspection system

As part of the reform, the procedure should be accompanied by photographing the vehicle (TC) and the assurances of the diagnostic card with the electronic signature of technical support. All data are sent to a new base of the EACO MVD, in the modernization of which last year the department has invested 80 million rubles. On February 28, the old version of the EAOSTO was closed, and on the night of March 1, the operators switched to a new one, immediately encountered problems: some during the day could not enter the system, others could not form an electronic card or transfer photographs.

"The program did not work with almost all operators: it took several hours to form a single card, although a maximum of 5-10 minutes was required," said Igor Volchek, head of the guild of technical inspection operators at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The new technical inspection system

At the same time, according to the Russian Union of motorways (RSA), the design of the policy of the OSAGO passes "in normal mode" with "non-critical" delays. Meanwhile, at the points of technical inspection, there are almost no customers, which is caused by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation to extend for six months the effect of diagnostic cards, which ended from February 1 to September 30, 2021. However, 12% of all TCs must undergo inspection: auto, the period then for which it ended until February 1, 2021, as well as auto-four-year-olds, obliged to go through the first. But, according to analysts, on March 1, about 800 diagnostic cards were issued in Russia, then as usual for a day, this figure was 80 thousand.

Meanwhile, it was paralyzed and the work of firms offering to buy a map online without checking the car. Most of them offer to process the application within a few days, referring to the fact that the "hanging". At the same time, no one asks to send a photo of the car. On the site several offices "acceptance of applications is suspended due to technical work."

"Kommersant" sent a request to the "Program Product" LLC, engaged in the modernization of the EACO under the contract with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not follow the response. Internal network inspectors say that problems may arise due to an unstable communication or incorrectly entered address of the website of the EAOSTO. But the conclusion is one: the new system did not cope with the load. According to Volchek, "problems could be avoided if the operators were given to test the system for at least a month before the launch." It is reported that the system will work properly within a few days.

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