Grodno will open the first film of MOOON


The first multiplex network of Silver Screen will open in Grodno on March 25 and will become the first film of the new format - MOOON.

Grodno will open the first film of MOOON 8385_1

On the opening day, several exclusive prescriptions are planned in MOOOON, as well as a video review from the famous video unit and Badcomedian movies.

Guests will have a self-catering cafe, Cinema comics and gifts, which can be bought in memory of the favorite cinema, snack bar with a large assortment and self-service, photo and game zones.

Grodno will open the first film of MOOON 8385_2

On March 25, three filmmakers will be held at MOOON. The first of them is a blockbuster "Godzilla vs. Kong". The film of 2021, which, thanks to the advanced film-space technologies, can be estimated to be fully - from each pixel and sound invested. According to the plot of Kong and a group of scientists go to a dangerous journey in search of the native Giant House. Among them is Gia, the only one who knows how to communicate with Kong. But suddenly they face an enraged Godzilla, destroying everything in their path. The battle of two titans, the mystery of their origin, the heroes and villains of the Earth - in the trickle the plot of the picture, which will be shown in Mooon on the day of her exit to the world and Russian film distribution.

Grodno will open the first film of MOOON 8385_3

Films will go in parallel in different halls. In the children's program, the animated film "100% wolf". This is a cheerful family cartoon, and all the audience whose 10 years are waiting for small thematic gifts.

The official opening of the MOOON film space is scheduled for the evening. You can buy tickets on

Mooon film space will open on the 3rd floor of Triniti TRC and will become the most modern on Silver Screen network. NEC laser projectors are installed here, providing high image quality. In addition, a cozy coffee shop will appear with desserts and self-preparation dishes, a shop with comics and stories about the kinoheroch, a huge movie breaker, gaming zones, a summer terrace, photowons and five cinema halls of different formats. Among them are the largest cinema hall for premiere meals with comfortable sofas chairs for two and individual Private Suite Film Company, a VIP-room with large comfort chairs-advertisers with built-in tables and footrest, Cinema Boutique - "Personal" Cinema, a hall for filmvidation With sofas for two and a hall-restaurant with individual cabins and their own tables.

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