The bankrupt plant "Angstrom-T" was assessed by an order of magnitude cheaper claims of the main lender. It will be sold at the auction, two buildings will demolish


The estate of the bankruptcy plant "Angstrom-T" is estimated at 8.5 billion rubles - four buildings, two land plots and more than a thousand equipment units. This estimate is almost five times less than the book value (38.2 billion rubles) and 11 times less than the amount of claims of the main lender - the State Corporation VEB.RF (97 billion).

All property of the enterprise will be implemented by a single lot at public auctions - the Regulations on its sale at the end of January approved the Committee of Creditors JSC "Angstrom-T", reports Kommersant with reference to the press service of VEB. It is unlikely that someone besides VEB.RF will claim an asset, the expert of Kommersant Ivan Pokrovsky believes. "The State Corporation plans to receive equipment" Angstrom-T "and transfer it to the state for the development of the Microelectronics industry," they declared earlier in VEB.RF.

In July last year, within the framework of the bankruptcy procedure, two Angstrom-T buildings were already acquired by NM-Tech (according to the contour focus system, this is "daughter" VEB.RF). The contract for the dismantling of buildings was concluded - their demolition is provided for in the framework of the project for the reconstruction of the "Angstrom" platform "Technopolis Moscow", approved in July 2020.

The bankrupt plant

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At the same time, "nm-those", according to Pokrovsky, resumed work on the certification of the plant's technological processes, the potential of which allows microprocessors with topology 130 and 90 nm. Also, the company recently announced a competition for work in the main production building "Angstrom-T" (Georgievsky Avenue, House 7) to eliminate leaks on the air duct of an exhaust system with a total value of 30 million rubles.

Former Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Leonid Reiman, the company's main beneficiary by the end of 2018 also entered the register of the plant's creditors with the requirements of 424 million rubles. "There was no meaning in bankruptcy, and its goals are unclear," said Rosima, "Kommersant". The assessment of the plant at 8.5 billion rubles, he considers it understated and believes that it is necessary to have a speedy resumption of the plant.

Bankruptcy was the consequence of the unfulfilled obligations of the "Angstrom-T" before VEB.RF on a credit line for 815 million euros. In 2019, the company has passed under state control.

Read also "Angstrom-T" are going to go bankrupt for a loan of 60 billion. Who is to blame and what will happen to the plant

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