Parasitic vaccination - the easiest and safest way of breeding fruit trees


    If suddenly you have never come across the vaccination of trees, then it is worth it from a parasitic vaccination. The fact is that you do not harm the tree, even if the vaccine do not very carefully.

    Parasitic vaccination - the easiest and safest way of breeding fruit trees 8342_1
    Parasitic vaccination - the easiest and safest way of breeding fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    The parasitic vaccination is the safest view of the breeding of fruit trees, as the branch that is going to instill is cut off only after full germination of the root. Those gardeners who have long been in their profession and understand the vaccinations of trees better than novice specialists, always advise to start making a parasitic type of reproduction, when the diameter of the plant to which another tree type will be agreed, will be about five times the thicker than the tree stalk, which is necessary for Vaccinations.

    The cruise or cutting is needed in order to easily be able to understand which parameters have one or another tree view. As a result, the most suitable version of the cuttings of non-ill-suffering plants giving a big and abundant harvest. Their shoots should have a thickness of five millimeters to three centimeters, and the length of these shoots should reach from thirty to forty centimeters.

    On that branch that will play the role of the root, you need to count two - three kidneys and a well-fulfilled knife, specially intended for vaccination, perform oblique, without tongue, a slice that in any case will need to be treated with genuine resin or beekeeping paste. It is worth noting that the slice should be two, and is better three times more than the diameter of the lead.

    All cut branches should be wiped with a damp cloth, to pack up the varieties, to fix and mark something, where what appearance.

    Store all varieties in a cold place, for example, in the cellar or basement.

    By the way, for the root, as an option, you can use either a woody plant of natural origin aged from two to three years, or an alignment tree, which is no more than three years.

    This type of vaccination is better to make kidney ripening. In the middle part of the country, this period from the last days of April to the first fifteen May days.

    Parasitic vaccination - the easiest and safest way of breeding fruit trees 8342_2
    Parasitic vaccination - the easiest and safest way of breeding fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Algorithm of parasitic vaccination:

    1. The soil in which the branch cut cut to vaccinate must be loose, moisturize and explode in a couple of weeks before the procedure.
    2. If the cuttings were prepared in advance, then the day before the vaccination need to be pulled out from cold shelter. Watch a damp cloth again and put into the water for soaking.
    3. All the necessary tools are good and treated with an antiseptic or other reducing microbes.
    4. On the branch, where the procedure will be made there, make a three or five millimeter incision with an ax or saw so that the horizontal protrusion is.
    5. Under this protrusion, a sharp object for the eyepiece, make a break along the bark, separating it from the surface of the tree. Bend the edges of the cortex to the right and left.
    6. In the resulting deepening, insert the cut-down cut cut down as much as possible. After that, press some of the cortex, which rose and wrap the twig from the end of the outbreak to the edge of the protrusion with a polyethylene ribbon double layer. End of this tape fasten with a natural resin. This material you can smear the place of vaccinations.

    • Cover the cuttings with a holey polyethylene package to save it from strong wind and attacks of different birds;
    • In order for cuttings without complications to suffer frost, it needs to be covered with burlap.

    The conclusions relating to the success of the procedure can be done in two weeks. In rare cases in about twenty-five days. If everything turned out perfectly, then the kidneys of the Virgin Nabuhnu, and where the sharping will occur, Callus will appear.

    After the lead will finally feel at home, it will be possible to cut part of the twig sticking outside.

    If the vaccination gave a negative result, it should carefully remove the roots and process this place of beekeeping paste so that the process of the soil recovery accelerates. A year later, you can repeat the vaccination, but only in a different place of the soil.

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