Traditions of Chernogort residents - reincarnation in men and shooting in the air

Traditions of Chernogort residents - reincarnation in men and shooting in the air 833_1
Traditions of Chernogort residents - reincarnation in men and shooting in the air

Two people belonging to one ethnic group - Serbs and Montenegrins - significantly vary from each other. It is manifested in Mentality, worldview, features and customs. In the traditions of Montenegrins, the proud temper of these people is clearly traced, the connection with the past, which is impossible to be called simple for Montenegro.

Balkan lands have long been the territory of opposing various peoples and states. Undoubtedly, this imposed a print and the nature of the locals, which many travelers celebrate. What are modern Montenegrins? What can tell about their culture of the original traditions of this nation?

Chernogorsk principles

For many centuries, Chernogort residents have developed certain vital principles, which the people hold on today. They consider their native land as the best on Earth, are very proud of the old traditions and honor the story. Moral support them serve two qualities - nobility and courage. There is even a Chernogorsk proverb to this matter:

"Bravery protects you from others, the courage guards others from you."

Despite the recent political conflicts, war, the Montenegrins managed to preserve a peaceful character, which helps him in life very much. They do not try to impose their principles to other people, but do not tolerate if their faith or morals are criticized.

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Independence Day Montenegro /

Family traditions, centuries-old customs, which remain relevant today are extremely strong in Montenegro. However, in addition to quite familiar even for foreigners, there are many strange and amazing customs. A significant part of such cultural aspects has already passed into the past, but in remote villages of Montenegro, you can face the remnants of the past. What do they mean?

Girls who have become young men

In my opinion, the very unusual tradition of Chernogortsev was the appearance of Virgin. So called girls who had to perform male affairs on the housework, as if reincarnated in the young men. Such cases met in families where only daughters were born, and there was no long-awaited son.

When the next baby appears, the head of the family could "appoint" his boy. At the same time, the girls broke the psyche, and sometimes hormonal failures occurred (the mustache began to grow, the figure acquired men's traits). What is noteworthy, in Starina Virgini participated in wars on a par with men.

A few hundred years ago, Chernogorsk men who managed to live to the limit of 30 years, were considered not too brave and good warriors. What is the oddity? The fact is that before the territory of Montenegro, permanent wars broke out, in which the local population took part.

Many defenders simply could not live to such a "honorable" age, as they died on the battlefields much earlier, leaving a family without a breadwinner. Because of this, Chernogorsk women had to carry home work on themselves.

Such a mad situation was deposited in the worldview of people. A man who lived up to 30 years old, who often aroused contempt of fellow villagers, although, of course, specific cases were considered. As you understand, today such a relationship will not meet.

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Traditional Suit Chernogortsev

Traditions of hospitality Chernogortsev

In Montenegro, as well as the peoples of the Caucasus: Circassians, Abkhazians, Balcarians have long been extremely strong traditions of hospitality. In former times, people did not even lock the front door and left the table covered on the night. In case the travelers in the road inspired darkness, he could go to any home, take food and find shelter.

Moreover, it was believed that the house, locked on the castle, is the personification of the end of the genus, and therefore it was carefully avoided. The guest for welcoming owners becomes a blessed person. The house where guests often come, is considered happy in Montenegro, because it gives the luck of their inhabitants.

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Family customs

Today in a number of villages of Montenegro, traditional wedding rites are still followed. During the ceremony, the most pious representative of the groom's family should bear the flag of the genus, on which a white shirt, an apple and a towel hang.

  • The shirt personifies the groom himself, his power and nobility.
  • The apple is identified with the bride, beauty and purity.
  • But the towel tied up the hands of a young couple, so that there were always consent between lovers and respect for each other.

In particular Montenegrins, the appearance of a child in the family was noted. When the baby appeared on the light, his relatives were paled from the guns into the air, notifying his joy all the village. Shooting is a kind of wishing for well-being and health to the baby and his mother.

I want to notice that this tradition of Chernogorstsev preserved to this day. Of course, the shots are a violation of public order, but the Montenegro police know perfectly well what they may mean. Often, law enforcement officers are with gifts for a young mother and her child.

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Dance Oro Montenegro

By the way, the duration of shooting can be understood who was born and how much the baby became in the family. If a first-mentioned boy is born, shots can last long enough. After that, the baby's relatives participate in a funny ritual. During him, they must break the shirt on the father of the newborn. So the family wishes success to him and his child.

The traditions of Chernogort residents in their old interpretation are not survived in all corners of the country. In addition, a number of customs (as, for example, the creation of Virgin) went into the past. Nevertheless, proud people seek to save their cultural values, and it will be very successful. The traditional Chernogorsk wedding becomes becoming increasingly becoming the rituals of which even families in large cities.

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