Tomato landing tricks: how, how much when


    Good afternoon, my reader. Before planting vegetables, each dachnik thinks about how to grow a good harvest, how to calculate the optimal amount of seedlings. What number of tomato seeds need to be planted so that the crop is enough for your family? No need to throw from extremes to extremes. Do not fill all greenhouses and beds or, on the contrary, rely on "avos." We want to reveal you a small secret about landing tomatoes from experienced dacities.

    Tomato landing tricks: how, how much when 83_1
    Tomato planting tricks: how, how much when nonsense

    Tomato landing (Photo used by standard license ©

    Despite the fact that seeds in the ground only in March, think about their purchase should be much earlier. Some do it before the New Year holidays. Others - even from summer! Do not worry that the seeds can be spoiled. On average, they are stored from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, they can have the same germination as a month and a year later. The main thing, look at the date.

    Tomato landing tricks: how, how much when 83_2
    Tomato planting tricks: how, how much when nonsense

    Tomato seedlings (photo used by standard license ©

    Another important detail is the percentage of germination. Pay close attention to it. We recommend buying those grades that have more than 70-80%. They can cost more. But it gives you a good guarantee that almost the entire harvest will take up. If the grade is small, this is about 50-60%, it means that only half of all landed seeds will take place. Be sure to buy such varieties with a margin. After all, it is not known how many of them will be able to survive.

    First of all, it is worth not to forget that the varieties are different. Accordingly, the height of the bushes can be different. It depends on the variety. On average, one square meter we recommend landing 3 bushes. If the varieties are low, then you can land about 4-5 bushes.

    One of the important issues in each gardener. Without a greenhouse, the yield of tomatoes will be slightly lower. After all, they are very sensitive to environmental conditions. Tomatoes love heat, moisture and greenhouse conditions. For example, Sanka varieties, de Barao, gold dome grown in the open ground give approximately 2 kg of tomatoes from one bush. If they are cultivated in a greenhouse, then the numbers increase. Data varieties can give 1-2 kg of harvest more. From here you can calculate the number of vegetables you need for your family. It is completely easy. The main thing is to know how many kg of fruits will give a tomato under certain conditions of cultivation.

    Tomato landing tricks: how, how much when 83_3
    Tomato planting tricks: how, how much when nonsense

    Tomatoes in the greenhouse (photo is used according to a standard license ©

    Greenhouse or soil - choice, of course, yours. Be prepared for the fact that tomatoes love patience and attention to care. Excellent harvest!

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